Scarred Mesa Skydock Won't Work in the Lattice System

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by notyourbuddy, Apr 15, 2013.

  1. notyourbuddy

    Your current design of Skydock won't work in the lattice system.

    How Every Skydock Fight Plays Out
    Defenders load up the landing pads with a ton of Burster MAXes, lock-on weapons, and engineer AV MANA turrets.

    Any aircraft or vehicle that attempts to get within 400m of this place gets instantly turned to ash.


    When people complained about the old Skydock design you added a jump pad to allow for infantry access, however, this jump pad is in no way practical for an attacking force. Whether you choose to attack from the East or West a Sunderer would have to drive down a lone road for 400m-500m+ while being completely exposed to the entire defending force before he reaches the jump pad. Ain't happening.

    If you try a mass Sundy rush and by miracle one makes it the pad the attacking force is still screwed as the area around the jump pad provides zero cover. Park a Sunderer right up next to that building and it is still clearly exposed to the defenders up above on the pads making for an easy kill. The select few boulders and ditches nearby provide the same lack of anti-vehicle coverage.

    This base isn't really a problem in the current hex system because when it is defended people simply go around it, wait for it to empty, then ghost cap it. But, the lattice system will force people to attack it as the Southwest vs Southeast factions have only two lanes to really get to each other. Through Tawrich Tech or through Scarred Mesa Skydock.

    You are either going to have defenders just afk'ing here waiting for some poor souls to attack so they can farm them (i.e., what The Crown was doing to Indar) or attackers will completely ignore this lane knowing that assaulting this base is a waste of time. Good chance it will result in more people cramming into the Tawrich lane creating massive lag or the Southeast and Southwest factions will end up trending north, which will result in them ganging up on the Northern Gate faction.
  2. m44v

    lots of liberators.
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  3. Ash87

    Every lane should have one incredibly hard to crack locations, that when defended by a sufficent force is nigh impossible to take. If you want to conquer a lane, you should have to earn it.

    This game needs more defense, not less.
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  4. doombro


    If you can't take it with vehicles, then you clearly didn't have enough vehicles.

    Tip: Galaxies highly recommended.
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  5. Nerfley

    Welcome to Space Australia!
    Unfortunately, your visa has been denied on the grounds of "we're full".
    Please come again, and bring your friends!

    Your local customs agent,

    On a more serious note, the gentleman who replied to you first has a point. It is better for players to adapt to these kinds of situations through trial and error than to nerf the situation as a whole. It leads to more interesting gameplay and allows for unique experiences.
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  6. Frosty The Pyro

    doesnt work as well as expected, you need a mass gall drop with lots of extra gals to absorb hits.

    Best solution is to dig a cave or two into the mountain, relitvely near the vehicle termainal. Good place to hide sundies. Realy lots of bases would benifit from a few caves for similar reasons.
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  7. doombro

  8. LibertyRevolution

    Step 1, get 3 platoons ready at the gate as Maxes/ENG/Medics.
    Step 2, send the squad leaders on a suicide run to the skydock in a gals.
    Step 3, squad deploy.
    Or you can continue to feed them vehicle kill XP and fail at taking the skydock...
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  9. Worph

    I don't like jumppads anyway. How about 2-3 more buildings and a capture point and a teleporter where the jumppads are ATM?
  10. Guadoc

    I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure that I read they were getting rid of Skydock when the lattice system comes out?
  11. MrIDoK

    Kinda like Vanu Archives? That would be really nice, having only a jumppad it's silly. Just get 3 shotgunners at the top and no one can get into the base that way. I want a defensible facility, but the fight should still be fair for both attackers and defenders.
    A platoon shouldn't autonanitically win against a squad, but the squad should still have to do something more than sitting on the landing pads and farming the enemy non-stop. Having to defend a second point at the current lower jump pad would improve the battle flow (as the defenders need to push out eventually to retake the control point) and make for some interesting back and forths, which add a lot to the feel of the battles. :)
  12. Ash87

    The most effective way, is to bring galaxies from the south of Scarred Mesa. This requires trick flying, but lest someone has 10 bursters sitting in wait, they wont be able to deflect it.
  13. UberBonisseur

    Sending a whole platoon of Galaxies crashing on the landing pads to clear them out.
    When the only option left is a cheesy as hell tactic SOMETHING is wrong.

    Remember what I said about the new crown layout:
    Jump pads are a crutch

    Scarred Mesa inherited a jump pad because it is placed TOO HIGH.
    It has to be lowered, get a decent ground access that does not revolve around catapulting people like human-sized clay pigeons into a tiny area in front of a firing squad.
  14. MrGurrenLemfox

    Crown is defensible, Mesa Skydock is broken. on Matherson alone when 2 faction diverging all their attacks just to take a single hex and fail there is something wrong with that place. they need to change it by either 2 capture points A up on the mountain and B below the skydock with a captured points means new teleporter like in vanu archive or delete it completely. BUT something need to change
  15. Ronin Oni

    Honestly the SE could use it as a strong point. Most of the SE seems to get steamrolled. I could see adding a second jump pad though.
  16. LonelyTerran

    Do we really need more 10 minute steamroll base caps?
  17. Zan_Aus

    There's hard to crack and untakeable. Skydock makes the Crown look like a flower field complete with Sound of Music playing in the background. Ever seen Galaxies melt under a dozen dual burster MAXs?

    As the OP says, the only reason people don't experience this is because they go around it. With the lane system 2 of the 3 lanes are locked by fortresses so EVERYONE is going to be piling into Crossroads.

    If you get a competent platoon of defenders it takes 20:1 odds to take Skydock, I know I've been on both sides of the equation.
  18. TintaBux

    Don't work, they get wasted.
  19. TintaBux

    Not happening when its properly defended.

    A properly defended Skydock is impossible to take, just allot on this thread never seen skydock defended well.
  20. m44v

    ok! don't attack skydock, leave the defenders alone until they get bored.