Scarred Mesa Skydock needs to be fixed NOW

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by zverofaust, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. Sappo

    They're going to add jump pads to the ground around it eventually, defensible is one thing, but not being attackable at all unless you basically take it when it's undefended is quite another. That it's impossible to have normal spawn points there as an attacker is an oversight, not a feature.

    It's something they'll fix eventually, and then it'll be just like Vanu Archives; a place that's reliant on an infantry and air fight without tanks to take, and offers a good air supply point for fighting in the sticky places nearby. I don't think TR have a direct equivalent, but the impact crater is spiritually the equivalent.
  2. Bogarth

    lol @ gramps, got some poo stuck on your butt eh? shoulda bought the charmin instead of the walmart brand!
  3. JammyJ

    Well played. 10 guys will inevitably now report you, or whine magriders are OP, or say that stats aren't important, or something to this effect. Do you use HE or Heat? Still doesn't match up to what can be done with ESF :cool:
  4. ritual

    wat is this i don't even.... have you ever tried something like not throwing a whole bunch of paper at the enemy scissors? Squad beacons are cheap... you can also approach the skydock from the south west side if you go under the bridge... or you could just be a boss and play light assault and climb that **** with a couple bricks of C4 to take out the maxes... I've even seen a sundy make it up there once. No idea how the **** that happened though.
  5. bPostal

    Who cares? They're Burster MAXs...All you gotta do is occupy them for a min or two and drop off some Gals, create a hotspot and then the party has started!
  6. Lopshot

    Grosse Point ?
  7. Pax Empyrean

    I like the idea of having a control point that is only accessible by air, but the other facilities (including spawn room) should be accessible by ground forces on foot. When the attackers have to use galaxies to reinforce an attack but the defenders can just spawn within walking distance of the point, that's a problem.
  8. Bobby Shaftoe

    Cool pics but mine's the SCYTHE A2A gun.

    Now, run along little AirChav (you might look less stupid if you actually knew what the default nosegun on the Scythe is, seeing as you play VS)
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  9. Madmojo

    It was designed that way back when gals were the spawn point. The only difference here is they didn't add jump pads up to it like bio labs and Vanu archives.
  10. Flarestar

    People have trouble taking the Skydock because they're uncoordinated and don't bring the Galaxies in intelligently. There are plenty of blind angles to approach from that give the defenders minimal time to pour fire into you, and if you do it with multiple galaxies at once you will probably all survive to drop your troops.
  11. Cerus

    I love attacking a well defended Skydock, there aren't many other locations where "SPAM ALL THE VEHICLES" isn't a viable approach. I'd hate to see it destroyed with jump pads, it would become just like every other might-as-well-be-nameless outpost capture.
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  12. zverofaust


    Note that this was just one of three platforms they had carpeted with Burster MAXes, Engineers and Medics. They did so because TR had basically taken every other territory on the continent, so naturally we had to go after that one to get the continent lock. So they piled pretty much the entire NC onto that one little rock. And in doing so made it absolutely impregnable.

    m8 there's not a lot that's going to occupy and distract 100 burster cannons, particularly when draw distance is 10 meters. They had so many AA guns they were chewing through tanks.

  13. Caracal

    and yet a platoon consists of more than one squad...

    again, no one is putting a platoon worth of people up in mesa to hold it. You might see a squad. maybe
  14. SgtScum

    Liberator spam from orbit would have taken them all out quick. You don't need to see them actually rendered if your scouts are telling you to spam the landing pads with high explosives.
  15. zverofaust

    Spend some certs in reading comprehension m8
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  16. zverofaust

    Um, actually, you do...
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    poor baby in some bad zergfit upset their 73 1/2 tanks can't take a base :(
  18. Strait Raider

    If they don't render, you can't hurt them.

    However, if the next couple of patches increase infantry render distance like they say it will, this will become feasible...

    In fact, the Liberator may wind up being significantly OP if it can render ground enemies from a distance that will make it basically invulnerable to AA...
  19. Selest

    Ah yes, I think it might have been our Platoon of 13 people (Purple Valour), including only 3 AA MAXes, who held Scarred Mesa Skydock most recently on Miller against the ignorant and foolish NC scum! Due to good communication and teamwork, we successfully defended it for almost an hour against Reavers, Libs, fully manned Galaxies and multiple enemy drop pods that rained in en masse like big blue and gold metally things. We never lost it and only moved on once the myriad enemy stopped coming, and our Vanu brethren had gone from only owning a quarter of the continent to owning most of it!

    I hope that they do leave it's unique characteristics as is. It's great fun to defend, and a real challenge to attack, but can be taken with imagination and cunning, although usually it needs superior numbers.

    Anyway, there's no need for any TR or NC to come there again. The Skydock now belongs to Purple Valour. We are already installing a pool on the roof and a pool table in the central room. I'm afraid we have no plans to put in steps....

    Other Vanu, however, are welcome to pop in for breakfast, or at 3pm for tea and cake.

    Technology Equals Might!

    Selest :D

    Purple Valour [PVL]
  20. doorap

    There wasn't anywhere near the entire NC there, plus you guys had 3x our pop you could've easily taken it had you brought more people.