Say NO to respawn changes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by OldMaster80, Jan 25, 2014.

  1. Tuco

    Yeah now they're moving and spitting out heavies with strikers, or heavies with strikers are falling from the skies, but you one badass magrider so you can take it. Yeah *thumps chest*, watch out for this magrider.
  2. OldMaster80

    ONe thing I want to make clear: I'm not against letting players spawn inside vehicles. I'm against how this is being implemented.
    - Vehicle spawn must be blocked inside the no-deploy area because it has the same effect as if the sundy was deployed.
    - Cooldown 5 minutes like Squad deploy to prevent abuses.

    Personally I don't see any issue with this change for the Galaxy.
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  3. Tuco

    The only reason you should spawn on a vehicle is for convenience, for example, "I was going to spawn on this guy's tank to gun for him, but the phone rang, but in an alternate universe I'm in this guy's tank and shooting."

    So if you're gonna do this then make it all vehicles, and lock the spawner into the vehicle for 5 minutes, the player can't jump out.
  4. Phaze

    This sounds like a mess waiting to be unleashed on LIVE.
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  5. drNovikov

    Galaxies are already too tough, they will become almost invincible squad speweing machines. Now I can outsmart a squad by finding and blowing up sunderers. Galxy will be impossible to destroy for an underpopulated defending group of players.
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  6. drNovikov

    They have a lot to do. Hunting vehicles, hunting infantry.
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  7. Corezer

    battle gals weren't strong enough, they need to also **** heavies out of their *****...
  8. Kid Gloves

    I'm a Galaxy pilot as much as many others. I have a heavily cert'd Gal and I use it every chance I get.

    When this idea was first proposed I thought it sounded cool. Then I thought more about what it means for the game, what it means for the Galaxy and where it's going.

    And I realised that this is a ham-fisted attempt to shove a galaxy-shaped peg into a sunderer-shaped hole.

    I fully support the NO stance. I would much rather the Galaxy be given a role more in line with it being a close support and air support vehicle - AoE repair, rearming, deployable firebase (without AMS capabilities), whatever. Squad spawning isn't the magic bullet to make the Galaxy cool - mainly because it relegates the Galaxy pilot to 'go somewhere and keep the Galaxy safe.' Wow, that sounds like fun...
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  9. Axehilt

    Yeah those sound like some reasonable tweaks. Although 5 mins might be a bit high, which makes me wonder if it shouldn't just be a temporary ability on a vehicle that lets squadmates spawn there. Something like "On for 2 minutes, off for 4 minutes" (2 min duration with 6 min cooldown)

    Either way sounds reasonable. One way allows it to be generally slow respawns all the time, while the other gives you unlimited respawns for moderate windows of time, followed by no resspawning for a while to give the other team a chance to push back and win.
  10. PastalavistaBB

    Isn't that Battlefield through and through?
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  11. Goretzu

    I think this is probably a bad idea, it allows organised platoons to pretty much be undefeatable by almost unlimited numbers of less organised players in a few situation (clearing a biolab vehicle is going to be a nightmare) - and organised platoons don't need any help, there are already much, much better than many times their number of disorganised players.

    Which will be fun for the organised players, but not really for their opposition.

    I think this qualifies as another idea SOE didn't really think through.

    Galaxies should be less of an issue, but it'll certainly massively change the low population game there too, as it stands with medics a squad can be impossible to shift, but if they can then just respawn on the Gal and drop back in, it will be impossible to win.
  12. Goretzu

    Those would seem like reasonably changes (I suspect the Gal might need them too for low pop actions though).
  13. Sigmundr Rumare

    I would like to bring up something that people seem to be misunderstanding.

    As of right now on the Test Server, the Sundy/Galaxy does not require having a squadmate in it, it only must be owned by yourself or a squadmate. That's right, you don't have to have a squadmate sitting there twiddling his thumbs for you spawn in on it.

    Tech plants will now be a pain in the ***, a platoon can park 4 Gals on that deck under the main flight where the crow's nest can't reach them, allowing the attacking forces to pour in through the back balcony. You'll now have to destroy all 4 Gals to remove that platoon's spawn logistics, not counting spawn beacons or any sunderers they or anyone other randoms pulled nearby.

    This change is really unnecessary, my outfit already heavily relies on Gals to rapid redeploy, so they're not useless.

    PS2 already has too many spawns to make transportation by a vehicle to the battle a part of the game. It needs less spawns as is, far too easy to just hot-jump around with that handy redeploy button, not more spawns. SOE need to get their thumbs out their ***** and stop trying to make PS2 the next fast-pace FPS shooter, and focus on the only thing PS2 has going for it, scale. Making the map feel even smaller than it already is doesn't help that in the least.
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  14. PastalavistaBB

    I have to repeat myself: This game is being "Dumbed down" to the level of any generic FPS game. We already have more than enough spawn options with only a 15 second waiting time. But the COD/Console kiddies can't wait 15 seconds appearantly.
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  15. Kitakami

    I don't like that they're introducing new mechanics. 1. Unlocking an ability that doesn't require a slot to equip. There are plenty of vehicle abilities in the game that should be innate, don't get me wrong. But don't make innate abilities require unlocking. That's counter-intuitive. 2. Sunderers must be crewed to spawn?? Sounds like great fun for the Sundy driver! I'm reminded of the Flash scout radar change.
  16. optimus

    I have to YES to the changes as far as galaxy is concerned. Im dubious about sunderers being able to equip gatecrash and AMS at the same time however. the Galaxy on test also has had its wing mounted guns moved to the underbelly so they are now extremely vunerable from the sides of the plane. Attacking aircraft and tanks will have it much easier while at the same time a fully manned galaxy will now be able to bomb with those bulldogs just like it should have been able to do since launch. Ive been testing it all out on test and think these changes are desperately needed!
  17. NC_agent00kevin

    Im going to have to say yes on this one.

    I am, however, skeptical of the Galaxy Spawning. Those things are already hard to kill, perhaps a HP reduction and/or resistance reduction while deployed with a longer deploy/undeploy time than a Sunderer would balance it out. You cant just stick AMS on Gals in their current state (which is fine for the role they have now) and call it a done deal. It would be too much.
  18. Phazaar

    Really not a fan of the changes, except that it might add some meaning to air-superiority (floating spawn rooms, as it were)... On the other hand, they may need to address the collision mechanics as a single Scythe still has a fair chance of taking out a Galaxy with a ram if he's lucky, and that seems a little borked.
  19. Giggily

    This is a good change. The fact that #1 complains are about the galaxy spawning shows that it's going to make a major difference in the game and, perhaps, controversially, encourage players to run A2A ESFs to shoot down high flying Galaxies by placing an increased importance on Galaxies and having them remain in the air. An important aerial objective is something that this game is pretty sorely lacking at the moment, and currently Galaxies don't really feel that role.

    GSD Sunderers are crap and have been crap for a while now because of several reasons. One, there's about a 50% failure rate in my experience where the GSD doesn't actually even work properly,, and you wind up just hitting a shield anyways. Secondly, once inside the Amp Station (because using GSDs at Tech Plants is pointless outside of very specific situations) the Sunderer is pretty useless and are almost always the first things to die, in my experience. So squad spawning in Sunderers isn't going to make a super huge difference in the end, unless it's a smaller force of defenders trying to stop a larger force of attackers. But, with the new Amp Station design GSDs do not matter at all, so who even cares? GSDs at outposts are even more pointless because of how exposed they are after going through the shields.

    Anyone saying adding new, additional mechanics to the game like this is dumbing it down is also wrong. The game is becoming more complex, if anything, because now killing Galaxies will be a common and very important role, and air may not just be about spamming ground to influence battles, and will play an even more important role.
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  20. Hicksimus

    So you're telling me that if I'm in a squad AND a member is in a Sunderer and has the Non-AMS...AMS cert, that I can redeploy to them anywhere any time? That's friggen wicked. I can see a few minor issues with it, but over all.....friggen sweet! I'll sneak around everywhere in my SBS. (Surprise Buttseks Sunderer)