Rookie looking for aiming tips

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TokyoShoe, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. TokyoShoe

    I will readily admit, I am no pro when it comes to FPS style games (but I can hang in there with the average players). That being said, in Planetside 2 I feel like a spastic electroshock patient... herky jerking about the battlefield. I realize this is a combination of in-game mouse speed and out-of-game mouse speed / DPI settings, but can I get some recommendations on how to smooth things out some from those of you better at aiming?

    I have "Reduce Input Lag" turned on. I don't have Mouse Acceleration turned on in any form. My mouse's polling speed is set to the absolute highest (1000) that it goes. Am I missing something else or is it really just "practice practice practice"?
  2. Morpholine

    Lowering the mouse resolution may actually help you. Adjust your settings down gradually (or dynamically if your mouse supports it), until you find a comfortable spot.

    If you're all over the place, the high resolution is causing your small movements to have a greater effect on how far your crosshair moves on the screen. Lowering the resolution allows you to make larger mouse movements for less overall in game movement, and can improve your fine control a good bit.

    There are snipers who swear by very low DPI settings when they're scoped in.

    I personally stick with the high DPI settings on my mouse, until I get into a turret, where I bump it down a notch or two.
  3. Razeth

    What are you having issues with? How to aim properly or how to set your mouse?

    Describe your "problem situation" is the mouse so sensative you spin around 3 times instead of turning right or something?
  4. TokyoShoe

    I can move around the map, glance around corners and whatnot just fine. Once I start trying to track an enemy with my sights (you know.. to SHOOT them) I am always either ahead of the target or behind them. It seems like I am constantly jumping back, constantly overshooting the target.

    I currently have been skipping back and forth between 1100 and 1600 DPI on my mouse. 1600 is WAY to high, but 1100 makes me feel like I can't move FAST enough to bear down my sights on a target. I don't know if I should turn down my mouse DPI but turn up the in-game mouse resolution a little bit? (I think at present my in-game mouse resolution is @ 0.25 or something.)
  5. Razeth

    I'd go to warp gate and set your DPI down gradually and see what that does, if that isn't having any effect try the in game mouse resolution down gradually. As you set down the in game mouse you might want to up your DPI again...just fool with it. Sometimes you just need to get used to the new game as well although it sounds like you may have specific issues.