[Suggestion] Rocklet Rifle: A Re-Design

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NeoKhor, Jun 30, 2016.

  1. NeoKhor

    I'm really excited for the upcoming implementation of the Rocklet Rifle into the Light Assaults' armament.

    HOWEVER, I feel that the weapons' design is lacking in imagination. Just look at the barrel: it's a copy-paste from the anti-air weapons used by MAX's and Phalanx Turrets. The weapon just looks dull, encased in cheap white plastic. The multi-grenade launchers that are in current use by the military (pick your country) look much better than this weapon.

    Developers and Design Artists, if you are reading this, please consider revising the design of this new weapon.

    Alternative Rocklet Rifle Designs:


  2. Pat22

    I'm not sure if this applies to the Rocket Rifle, but DBG have stated before that they've had many models made by other companies and now just have them sitting around waiting to be used.
    So basically the Rocket Rifle's been sitting on a shelf gathering dust for a while, it's not like they made a brand new model for it.
  3. iPervy

    Hm, in all honesty I prefer the look of the current rifle over the ones your suggesting them take reference from. The first one looks more like a oversized revolver shooting oversized bullets. The last two come off very generic to me as standard grenade launchers but with a different skin/texture on top. None of them come off as "Rocklet Rifle" to me.

    But the one the game currently has the look that matches the name and how the gun is developed to behave in game (although I to am bothered by how often they reuse assets in the game, but I'll live haha. I guess its also just the case as Pat22 also mentioned with them having to use those designs for something anyways.)
  4. FateJH

    For thread reference, the predecessor.
    What it looked like when held:
  5. FirePhox

    I actually like the look of the current version on the PTS, I think it could probably use a couple of indicators to display what ammo type you're using though, maybe a couple of lights or a screen on the back. The muzzle looks like its been copy/pasted though so maybe they could change that.

    Anyway I hope we get a Gold/Platinum/Aurax version :D