Rocket launchers

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Dragonblood, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. Dragonblood

    TR Max User Newbie......what should I do, when a heavy aims a rocketlauncher at me? Start jumping? Strafing? Not leaving cover in the first place?
  2. basilbroketail

    Well, you can( depending on situation / environment )

    1) " bunny hop" but that rarely works, even if your crouch jumping , esp if they aim center of mass. Unless they're the type to aim at someone's feet because they're just noob tubing ( helps reduce damage a bit) .
    2) Eat the damage, depending on how much HP you have left in the first place.
    3) Use the max " charge" ability ( if this doesn't bug out ), most players WILL miss the moment you charge perpendicular to them ( this helps a ton if you have your mouse set to settings 90-95 / high DPI mouse which is what i usually run with ) .
    4) Bullet spray 'em down, flinch can really screw their aim up for some players.
    5) duck right back down to cover .

    Strafing "works" if they're not within a 50-70m range , primarily because max strafing is extremely slow ........Your better off turning 90 degrees or so and then running because strafing as a max is just too slow ( unless your around some cover).

    Now if they're under 2m, you can always try to run through them / charge through them. I haven't tried that in awhile, but its saved me a few times .
    • Up x 1
  3. Dragonblood

    ah, thx for the info.