Rocket launchers still do not hit if you die

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by UberBonisseur, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. voigt

    Not only do rockets not deal any damage for direct hits if you die while they are in flight, but a lot of times rockets do not do any damage for direct hits while I am alive as well. 2/5 rockets I fire are just duds I see direct hits, I see explosions but the health bar does not go down and I don't get a hit marker. This often happens with anti-air rockets following their target, I don't see them use flares and the hit just doesn't count but even when I do see them use flares and I fire immediately afterwards if they fly far enough away I don't get hit registers either.
    • Up x 2
  2. voigt

    I think the worst part is how little damage the rockets do in the first place, a lot of times I cannot kill the target if even ONE of the rockets are duds.
  3. fish998

    Would really like to see this fixed, it doesn't make sense at the moment. If it's intentional it's a bad design decision.
  4. Kendo Drakonus

    I don't suppose this is related to client / server lag where the animation of the rocket firing or the grenade throwing completes on the client side but not on the server, b/c then as far as the server is concerned.. it never happened.
  5. Kyutaru

    If it happens for rockets, it happens for guns. Imagine if every other person you shot simultaneously killed you because your bullets were still in flight towards each other.
  6. HumsterMKX

    It actually does.
  7. Athessu

    I get the feeling that at least some small part of this is down to lag being a lot more apparent on large slow moving in "you fire a rocket on your screen when 1/10th of a second ago you actually died according to the server"

    Although I have also seen it happen, most often when i'm rolling around in a MAX and I shotgun somebody the same instant they pop round a corner to fire a rocket, I see the rocket trail just sort of disperse into nothingness.
  8. GaussianGamer

    This happened to me too, my suicide kills just turned to suicide, then the rest of our ground troops were decimated by the tank with only a little HP left. Sux when I can see the shot was perfectly on target too.
  9. mareign

    I still see the rocket after I kill them in my tank though. It just doesn't deal any damage if it hits.
  10. Kyutaru

    Which is why currently guns don't kill people if you off them before they off you. If they changed the rockets to hit after death, guns would also hit after death, and people would start seeing simultaneous kills against the enemy they were just fighting. Rather have the rockets not hit after death than implement a feature that lets the people I gun down kill me after they're dead. That would be especially annoying to infiltrators.
  11. Drippyskippy

    This happens to me a lot as well, its really frustrating. Hope its gets changed/fixed. I also have a problem on occasion with the first rocket in my rocket launcher not registering when it hits, not sure if anyone else has noticed that?
  12. Dovahkiin

  13. ZombieRommel

    I think it has to do with client-side hit detection. IE the game determines "Player A is dead. Player A can no longer inflict damage until respawned." Yes, very annoying.
  14. UberBonisseur

    The answer to that problem is:

    Stop considering the Rockets as BULLETS.
    BULLETS disappear in mid air if you die before they hit. This is why you never get simultaneous kills between infantry.
  15. Sighpolice

    Bump for justice
  16. OmegaDestroyer

    I'm not sure if it's a bug or intentional. Either way, it's stupid.
  17. Takoita

  18. Rean

    that is wrong.
    i got revenge kills after my death with both infantry guns and ESF rockets.
  19. UberBonisseur

    Vehicle projectiles still count after death; while I have NEVER seen simultaneous infantry bullet kills
  20. Dhart

    bump... seen the same thing. It needs a fix.

    BB and tank mines don't disappear when I die... why should the rockets?