Rocket launcher not locking on?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Helomastr, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. Helomastr

    Okay, newb question here, but I cannot seem to ever lock on with the rocket launcher. I purchased the CROW (anti-vhicle) rocket launcher with lock on capabilities, yet for the life of me, I can't get a lock on with it. I tried hitting my hot key to switch fire modes, but to no avail. Anyone know how to get this thing to lock on? Thank you!
  2. Elthis

    You need to right click to zoom the weapon in using the sight. Once you are zoomed in and looking through the weapon's scope, you will begin to lock onto a vehicle if they are in range.

    The lock on box will remain red until you lock on to a vehicle, at which point it will turn green to let you know you're locked on.
  3. Helomastr

    That's my dilemma. I am looking through the scope, even at extremely close range, yet, I get no red box indicating an attempted lock on and definitely no green box saying I have a lock on. :(
  4. Elthis

    Sounds like the problem is that the tank is out of range then. At the moment, the lock on range for your Crow is about 150m, which is pretty laughable. I've been crusading for an increase to the lock on range to AV rocket launchers and fortunately they are increasing the lock on range of rocket launchers sometime this week. The downside of this is that you will no longer be able to fire your Crow without having a lock on. So just sit tight and wait for the patch this week.
  5. Banick

    ^ +1

    Out of range. With the patch change you will lose the ability to dumbfire as well, so any tank half smart will hide half their vehicle behind a rock and the CROW won't recognise a target.
  6. Helomastr

    Okay, that clears things up, hopefully. Thank you all very much!
  7. ent|ty

    Wow, I hope not. I was hoping that I could 'earn' the anti-air rocket feature, and still be able to dumb fire everything else at least. If not, thanks for the warning, I definitely wont spend $$ that way, I'll stick to the dumbfire, and kill the cocky pilots when they get too close instead.

    Wow that is stupid. Man, is Sony trying to stop me from paying?
  8. snail

    That is just dumb. That's like night vision only working if theres infantry around.
  9. Ezekius

    I hope they revert this change. It makes my rocket launcher feel mega gimped now... Wish I could get a refund on it.
  10. Rakonat

    I never understood why Launchers didn't get cert upgrades, and now losing dumb fire makes me cringe. I haven't gotten to see yet, but from the sounds of it there is nothing to off set the lack of dumbfire for the lock ons, which anyone who says are over powered has probably never had to go through the hassle of trying to bring down a lib with a g2a, let a lone a scythe.
  11. Ghodere

    If the OP checks this, make sure you actually equipped the CROW. You have to go into your loadout and manually change the tool slot.
  12. ThalonGauss

    They should refund us if they remove dumbfire capabilities, that is such trash
  13. Jaeger41

    They originally proposed removing dumbfire mode back in December. So many lock-on owners complained before it was done, that SOE backed down and introduced the Annihilator instead. If they do it now, what advantage does either the g2a or g2g launcher offer over the Annihilator?
  14. Zaik

    This is quite the necro. A little too obvious though imo.
  15. GhostSpider200

    Hi I have gotten like 6 feet away from tanks and air crafts both. And the lock on's are not working on of them!
    Please help!!!!!!

    And I am TR (Terrin Republic)

    And can you help on the rest of them just in case
  16. FBVanu

    Think about your refund request.. you get your certs refunded, but then you give back all the XP and Certs that you earned with it.
    SOE has the right and can and will change anything anytime they feel like.. read the terms of service.
  17. starlinvf

    You need to aim for the "center" of the vehicle. It uses something like a 0.5-1 Cone for the lock on, so up close the outter bulk doesn't count as a valid lock location.