Roadmap Question

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FXRiot, Mar 7, 2013.

  1. FXRiot

    I noticed that February has some OK updates coming (but I am easily more excited for March)

    But what do these months mean? Does it mean those updates will come THAT month? Or is it just the developer's way of saying "we are working on these things, this month" - but not the actual release date? (since it's now March)
  2. Draf

    I believe they start working on it on the said month.
  3. RedPsycho

    As far as we know it is what they're currently working on. According to Higby they're waiting for the Feb. stuff to get through QA at this time and once they get the bugs hashed out and they get the ok from QA they'll push it live. You can expect March items either by the end of the month or beginning of next give or take some days.
    • Up x 1
  4. Ash87

    Rough, hopeful deadlines.

    Usually we are to get updates once every 2 weeks. Add about a week's wiggle room ontop of that and it's on par with what we have seen thusfar.
  5. Wasdie

    It's more of what they are going to work on during the money, not when they'll be launched.
  6. MittRackRObama

    Empire specific Rocket Launchers need to be finished first guys. Don't you know each major game update has to come along with a money grab? The workers at SOE don't work for free. We shouldn't expect each major update to be released unless there is something in it for both parties. Once the RL are finished, we'll have the update--regardless of weather many of the other features in that update are 100% stable.

    I know it sounds cynical, but you have to accept this is the pattern of PS2 game updates and development and the sooner we accept the financial model, the sooner we can get back to understanding why new purchasable items seem to be more important than improving overall game stability and/or adding to the metagame.
  7. 13lackCats

    It depends on how the adolescents and whiners allocate SOE resources.