Roadmap Format and Update

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PS2_Luke, Feb 20, 2015.

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  1. PS2_Luke Lead Designer

    Hey Everyone,

    As a team it is important and valuable for us to get your feedback and ideas for features that we intend to develop. The Roadmap is meant to be one of our main tools to solicit your opinions, but the month by month format made it a point of contention instead of a vehicle to communicate effectively with all of you. So, we are rebooting the Roadmap with a new format.

    What you will see is a section for In Development features and a separate section for Wishlist features.

    The In Development features are those that are being actively worked on. That means there is a person, in a chair, in the office, doing work on that feature.

    The Wishlist will house a selection of features that we want to get your thoughts on before we start work. In some cases we will have a specific design in mind, while others will be more nebulous. We will try to make this distinction obvious when you read the posts.

    We are currently working on populating the Roadmap Wishlist, so for now you can go check out the In Development section to see what we are up to.

    Thank you for bearing with us while we figure out how to use the Roadmap effectively and we welcome any feedback you have on the format as we move forward.
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