[Suggestion] Rise of the Fixed Wing Fighter / Interceptor (ESI)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IvanDrago, May 13, 2014.

  1. IvanDrago

    This idea has been floating around in my head for a while, and I feel the game could benefit from the addition. Right up front I will admit that I am rubbish when it comes to image editing, so instead of the pretty pictures you get in some threads, you'll get some example images that you will need to use your imagination with. Still with me? Good.

    Basic Mechanics

    Lets start with some basic mechanics, taking already existing game content as a starting point.

    First thing first, how are fixed wing aircraft going to work in a game with no airfields without essentially turning into a faster version of the current ESF? Simple, in the same way you press B (or your firing mode button of choice) to deploy a prowler, you press B to switch between regular flight and VTOL landing mode. In order to make sure this is actually a handicap used exclusively for landing rather than an on demand hoverduel button, maneuverability for these craft in this mode will be similar, if not worse than that of a completely uncerted liberator in hover mode. Combine that with an average size of roughly 25% larger than a reaver, with 25% less health than a current ESF, and using VTOL mode for anything other than landing would be suicidal.

    Next, speed. As a baseline, I envision 400kph max cruising speed, 500kph with afterburner, and stall speed at 150kph if not in landing mode. It is worth noting that these aircraft would not have access to vertical thrust while in flight mode, so no speed boost from that. I suppose that the faction speed traits could be applied, with the version TR moving about 25kph faster in cruise and the NC version moving 25kph faster in afterburner, though that leaves the VS version without a tangible benefit that I can think of. Perhaps a lower stall speed of 125kph. All these numbers are subject to change, of course.

    The last part of this section will be the weapon concepts. To me, the simplest solution to this question is to simply use dual mounted versions of the current ESF nose guns. So the TR version would start out with dual needlers, with the ability to equip dual rotaries, banshees or locust. VS and NC equivalents would obviously be available. Dual air hammer, anyone? I'm not sold on the idea of any secondary weapons yet, and certainly no air to ground option, reason for which will be more clear later. If anything, a longer range, higher velocity (to compensate for the speed of these aircraft) version of the Tomcats might be appropriate. Perhaps the mass drivers that the ESF were never given?


    I doubt this section needs an explanation.

    Racer: No surprises here. Thinking 15-20kph increase in cruise speed per level, with three levels.

    Dogfighter: Incrementally increases pitch, roll, and yaw with each level, just as it does on current ESF. Three levels.

    Ground Attack Weapons Refit: Something completely new! Sorta! I've seen the general idea around the forums before, but of course not actually used in the game. This airframe would sacrifice not only afterburners but also the nose guns in favor of bombs, capable either of high altitude precision lock-on attack with the assistance of a man on the ground with a laser designator, or manual aiming on the part of the pilot, effectively turning them into dumb bombs. I know someone had a panic attack when I said lock-on, so let me explain. The bomb would lock to the point that the laser is designating, regardless of whether a vehicle is present or not. If the laser is interrupted the bomb goes ballistic, though the laser's aim can be adjusted to keep up with a slow moving target.

    Defensive and utility slots would share the same options as current ESF, though I feel engagement radar should be standard for both these and ESF.

    Empire Specific Bombs

    No reason for each faction to use the same bomb in the ground attack refit configuration. All bombs have the same total damage.

    TR: Suppressor Cluster Bomb - Basic cluster bomb we should all be familiar with. Right before contact with the ground, the bomb breaks apart and delivers a tightly packed group of submunitions. If it happens to hit an unfortunate aircraft, it delivers an explosion equal to the total power of the cluster, which is equal to the NC bomb.

    NC: Demolisher Iron Bomb - Simple, large iron bomb. One large explosion for maximum alpha strike. Not particular interesting but certainly effective.

    VS: Eradicator Plasma Bomb - Initial explosion deals 75% damage of the NC bomb (still more than enough to kill infantry caught in the blast radius and heavily damage tanks on direct hit), while a burning plasma field delivers the final 25% over the course of five seconds after detonation. Useful for area denial or clearing an outdoor control point for a longer amount of time.

    The Fighters / Interceptors

    The part that everyone is going to shout at me for is done, this section is just for the visual concepts and names.

    TR: Wasp - Conventional, smoothed edges with swept wings. I'm thinking something resembling a combination of the MiG 1.44 and PAK-FA, pictured below.

    NC: Ripper - Conventional, but blockier, with straight wings. Something akin to a futuristic A-10 would be appropriate.

    VS: Guillotine - Alien, oddly shaped, possibly covered in spandex and glowing lights. Flying wing design similar to the Horten Ho 229. Unfortunately the cross section image won't show up on these forums.


    "This will obsolete the current ESFs in air to air!"
    - Somewhat, yes. These will certainly be the go to for air superiority. However, these would only be able to be pulled from the warpgate, allowing the ESF to remain the platform of choice for quickly obtained multirole capable air support. Yes, the speed of the new fighters offsets the "pull anywhere" benefit of the current ESF, but it would still be a slower response. Additionally, considering the size and low HP of the new interceptors, a skilled ESF pilot could still gun one down while avoiding fire.

    "The speed will allow them to be everywhere at once!"
    - I agree this could prove to be an issue, but no more of an issue that we currently have with roaming ESF hordes. These would certainly get to their targets faster, but would be much less effective at mutilating unfortunate ground targets unless the swarm brought along some utterly defenseless ground attack refit interceptors along for the ride.

    "How would ground hope to fight back against these?"
    - Flak would be reasonably effective given the fragility, but I would suggest a new NS ground to air lock-on launcher that specifically has higher velocity and longer lock-on range when targeting these new interceptors. When targeting any of the other current aircraft, performance would be identical to the current G2A launchers. Or, maybe add this enhanced speed and lock range to the existing G2A empire specific launchers (Grounder, Hawk, Nemesis).

    So, there is the idea. If you read all of that, I thank you. Have at it.

    Cross posting this in the suggestions forum as well.
  2. Paragon Exile

    I'd rather have the current ESF's retooled to be AA fighters, with a new class of fighter to be A2G like in the original game.
  3. Ronin Oni

    Not going to happen

    Stall mechanics would be something entirely new they'd need to add, and ESF's are already supposed to be the fast strike craft anyways.

    Also 400KPH cruise? 500KPH AB?? They'd cross the map in an eyeblink

    BOMBS?!? You want to give them BOMBS?!?!? So not only can this lightning fast aircraft dominate the skies but now they can drop bombs on ground targets that have no hope to do crap to them (unless you increased AA velocity and lock ranges so much that they could counter these new craft... which would make ESF's even more useless and Libs as well for that matter).

    ESF w/ AB fuel pods and Racer 3 is the "Interceptor".

    Maybe they could increase ESF speeds a little bit, but certainly not much. I could see a second cert line for AB fuel pods that increased ESF speeds similar too, and stacking with, Racer air frame which would really make AB fuel ESF's stand out as an interceptor, but frankly even that would probably be too much (damn fun though :p )
    • Up x 1
  4. Akeita

    Cool Idea, but I don't think that peasants gonna be happy about it, they had enough with pods they said, still eatin' it for days and night they said ( Like the guy above this post ). I wouldn't have problem if they just a bomber with no capability to fight against air or whatsoever.
  5. jiggu

    I don't really think it would work very well in the current balance, engine or pretty much anything.

    Oh what I would give for an A-10 ingame though
  6. Ronin Oni

    ESF's kinda do both roles right now... depends what you equip.

    Rotary + AB = Interceptor (dogfight, chase)
    Rotary + Coyote = point air defense (protect your Lib's/Gals from enemy ESF's)
    Default + A2Am = long range heavy anti-air (attack enemy Lib's/Gals)

    Rotary/Default + Rockets = "all-purpose" but inferior air fighter to any of the above. Limited rocket supply limites AI capacity (compared to AI nosegun)
    AI + Rockets = pure A2G (reliant on friendly air for protection)
    AI + Fuel = Anti-Infantry ground support scout
  7. Ronin Oni

    You have Banshee... against infantry that's pretty darn close ;)
  8. IvanDrago

    Ronin, I'm going to quote myself since you didn't read all of it apparently.

    Also, to use the bombs, they would not be able to have a nose gun, or burners. Only bombs. That was also specifically mentioned, as quoted here:

  9. Paragon Exile

    I know, I'm saying I'd like their roles to be more refined and specific, like with infantry weapons.

    If I see a guy using an MCG I'm like "Oh, he's danagerous at CQC", while if I see a sniper I'm like "Oh, he's defenseless up close". Likewise, if I see a Scythe, Reaver or Mosquito I should be able to say "Oh, he's AA" and if I see a A2G fighter or Liberator I'll say "Oh, he's AV/AI".
  10. Ronin Oni

    Look under the wing.

    Rockets, A2A's, and AB fuel are all pretty well significant to the build of the ESF.

    Nosegun is hard to tell of course, with the notable exception of Scythe AI (particularly when it shoots though AH is only a little less obvious)
  11. IvanDrago

    Also just for the record, I know this will never happen, but this has been stuck in my head for a while and I wanted to get it out there.