[Suggestion] Reward casuals for teamplay (rocketing tanks, etc)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Xocolatl, Aug 29, 2014.

  1. Xocolatl

    Problem: Unless a tank is destroyed in 1 burst, we gain nothing (well, we won, but no personal gain whatsoever). Casuals are not well equipped enough, or have any way to communicate, to setup a burst attack.

    Hence, there MUST be a reward structure for bringing slowing a push. Maybe something similar to surface to air reward, which grants 25XP. It's not a lot, but it beats nothing by infinity times.


    Currently, there isn't much reward for casual players to really help defend against a push, since you do not get any rewards unless a target that you have recently damaged had been destroyed. This is INCREDIBLY frustrating. I can see why no one but the most organized Outfit who can call a focus fire effectively wouldn't even bother doing anything but try to plink away at infantries.

    Ultimately, people are guided by how much XP they gain. Shooting a tank and forcing it to retreat can be a boon for your team, at least for a temporary reprieve. However, you gain NOTHING by doing so.
    I have defended against a push before, where only me and 2 other people went Heavy/MAX and attempt to push back enemies. 10 minutes passed, and created enough breathing space for infantries to take back the point. Another half an hour passed, and we slowly created more room so the tanks can't spawncamp anymore.
    In the entire 40 minutes, I got 0 XP. ZERO! 3 well equipped heavies against 10+ vehicles can hope to hold them at bay with enough cover, but we can't ever destroy a single one (popping out for lock-ons is a death sentence, and spamming unguided rockets won't do much if they retreat 30 meters to repair).
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  2. LodeTria

    Or just have "ground deterence" like there is Air.
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  3. DatVanuMan

    I approve of this awesomeness. Anyone who posts after me should do the same.
  4. Taemien

    Give squadmates an indicator on enemy tanks/aircraft that shows that a squadmate is locking on. This way they can lockon as well and put the beatdown on the vehicle together.

    Zerglings can't utilize this. But organization is rewarded.
  5. rodrigo1942

    that will make the airside and vehicleside absolutely furious
  6. ColonelChingles

    Why do we need to reward casuals? Shouldn't we just punish casuals to encourage them to join a squad/platoon/outfit?
  7. Nexus545

    Casuals do join squads though. They join for the extra XP they get just by being near people. Spotting, assists, resupplies, revives, etc. They don't necessarily work as a team they just use it for the extra XP.
  8. Nexus545

    I imagine the Infiltrator laser designator would have done something similar to this. Probably also reduce lock-on times. Sadly, such equipment has disappeared off the development radar.
  9. FateJH

    I read through the title a few times and wondered how this had anything to do with the thread. Even people who play in a platoon get into this kind of rut now and then where they can never seem to damage a target enough before it retreats to safety and repairs.
  10. Serialkillerwhale


    Air deterence is because air power is OP as hell and it's a bandage.

    Tanks are Underpowered, not overpowered.
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  11. FBVanu

    The OPs idea is not bad.

    If we get air deterrence points, not killing the ESF or pilot, but just points for planking at it..

    why not get the same kind of small points for planking at other vehicles? Its not much, but it adds up for casual players.

    Example: I can shoot all day long at a parked deployed Sunderer, with my HEAT cannon, get hit after hit after hit...
    but the Sundy has 2 engineers that keep their repair tools up.. we could have this stalemate all day long...

    However, the 2 Engineers are racking in the XP repair points.. while I get absolutely nothing for hitting the Sundy.

    Should any hit on any vehicle provide partial small points, as it does with Aircraft?
  12. ColonelChingles

    Why stop at vehicles? I feel like if infantry are caught in the explosive radius of my tank shells, I should get XP for that as well.

    Heck, forgo the shooting/hitting part altogether. Just by being in the same hex as the enemy I should be getting XP!
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  13. FBVanu

    My god Man! you have splash damage on your tank shells? What magic are you speaking of? What mysterious shells are you using?

    the kidding aside, .. why not? If you land a direct hit, you earn some small xp .... we do it to aircraft.
  14. Taemien

    Possibly. It would be a doubled edged sword too. The driver or pilot would get an indicator that he's being locked on by more than one source. They pop flares or smoke and poof 3-4 missiles instead of one.

    But the idea is teamwork is being used to take on a vehicle. If I'm in a tank and I have 4 people trying to lock on to me. Great. That's 4 not defending a point. But I do believe squads need more tools to be able to work together effectively.

    I would even like for enemies spotted by squadmates to show up as being spotted by squadmates as well. That way if someone says, "hey this guy is doing this, focus fire him" we know which one he's talking about.