Reward AA by hits/dmg + kill?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kameho, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. Kameho

    Being AA is very important, usefull and only way to deter the infamous rocket pod ESF.

    However, it is not very rewarding, as AA, is pretty much weaksauce against anything that dosnt fly in the air.

    Thus leaving you with very limited kills and exp reward due to that. Not to also mention that Aircraft can easily escape getting killed by AA if their carefull / skillfull enough.

    So instead of just purely rewarding ground AA players by just giving them kill reward.
    What about rewarding them for amount of hits and damage done aswell?

    using flak cannons is pretty difficult for non-experienced AA, it requires alot of prediction of knowing where to aim at all distances.

    So thats where giving experience by amount of hits you can land on aircrafts, aswell as adding Combo-rewards to the ones skillfull, meaning, you get a bonus reward for not missing, and constantly landing hits. longer your able to do it, bigger the reward.

    And to top it off, is damage, once you stop hitting, the aircraft ran away or blew up. you get Exp accordingly to the damage done towards the enemie aircraft.

    That way, you wont just sit there going Oh Bugger, he ran away agen.
    • Up x 1
  2. Jet Uppercut

    It would be too easy for people to just go into the middle of no where, land their aircraft and shoot/repair them. Even if it gives terrible certs/ph it's easy to co-ordinate this stuff using Steam. And there are people willing to spend hours doing mundane crap.
  3. Sith

    You're talking like people can't do this with sunderers as it is.
  4. Codek

    I'd rather have the risk of some players exploiting such a loophole (which is in violation of the rules so if reported and caught, those players are out of the game) than see AA continue to be relatively unrewarded for doing their job as air denial. That just leads to no one using AA, giving aircraft too much power (balance is in part determined by the attractiveness of it's direct countermeasure).
  5. Jet Uppercut

    You don't get certs for shooting a sunderer, though.
  6. Curze

    people are already trading kills with alt accounts. dunno why someone would bother doing what you said when they can do it 500% faster
  7. Rown

    Regardess of the OP's idea merit, you can exploit cert gain if you have a friend willing to sacrifice his time a million different ways, so this wouldn't add anything that doesn't already exists.

    If you're suggesting damaging and repairing you own craft, well of course that wouldn't work.
  8. Beeman

    I agree that there needs to be some gain in using AA that doesn't require getting kills. It's the developer's goal to have AA serve as a deterrent, to scare off aircraft rather than outright killing them.

    I love loading up my one-armed burster max and filling the skies with flak. I love scaring off pilots that think they're badasses. What I don't like, however, is getting zero experience for keeping the skies clear while my friendly ground troops advance simply because the pilots flee and repair their craft without being destroyed. Hell, it's even annoying when the pilot bails, causing the aircraft to be destroyed by the ground, granting me mere assist experience.

    It doesn't have to be huge, either. If I got just two experience per hit on enemy aircraft with flak, I'd be happy(granted, I'd want more but you hush you). I just hate having zero reward for scaring off dozens of aircraft each time I load up my one-arm burster.

    I can't even kill infantry in a MAX suit because the starting anti-infantry weapon is so horrible >_>

    I do more damage to infantry with the burster than I do with my TR chaingun...even if they're as close as ten feet in front of me! Hell, I've stood over enemy spawn beacons and taken half a mag to destroy it because the accuracy is so bad I can't hit a point at my feet....but that's a complaint for another thread.

    Basically, we just need something to reward us for keeping the skies clear because AA gunners certainly aren't getting kills from their efforts.

    As for the effectiveness of AA, on the other hand...I think it's fine and dandy. AA turrets could use a boost in accuracy...I can hit scythes and reavers using their afterburners and maneuvering to dodge my flak with a MAX burster...but I can't hit a liberator who's flying slowly at medium-long range with an AA turret >_>

    Also, I've only used a skyguard once...via trial. It was okay. The damage was high but it doesn't shoot flak rounds, it just shoots big bullets. I thought that was pretty odd. Makes it a lot more tricky to use...which might be why people hate it so much.
  9. Codek

    I'm assuming that if they did change the reward structure, it would apply for ALL vehicles, not just aircraft.
  10. Kameho

    If people are so afraid of **** beeing abused. they might aswell remove the engineer ammo ability.

    Go with a outfit, everyone capping on a objective, while waiting, all engineers toss their ammo kits, and everyone around the objective starts shooting into the air reloading.
    +11-10 exp starts showering your screen, and your Certs starts trickling in.

    So again, arguements about abusing it for exp farming, is invalid.

    if were gonna be paranoid about abuses like that, we wont get anywhere.