"Revives remove the death stat received"

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by AuntLou42, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. Memeotis

    This could be good. If they replace the current death mechanic with a stat called 'Incapacitated' they could create a ratio of death/incapacitated. A player with a low ratio would then indicate that he is a team-player, who stick to his team, thereby increasing the chance that he will be revived.

    For example, right now, a player might have 900 kills, and 700 deaths. However, during this time he was revived 200 times. In this case his K/Dr is 900/700. It doesn't tell you much about this player. He might be ****, or he might be a player who doesn't care about his K/Dr and is dedicated to helping his team at any personal cost.

    With an 'incapacitated'-stat it would give you more of an insight. In this case - because he was revived 200 times - it would look like 500(deaths) / 700(incapacitated). This indicates that he is quite the lonewolf. However, because people still care about their K/Dr, and because this system would improve their K/Dr by playing with team-mates, you incentivize them to do so.

    This could be a very good change, the reassurance that there is no trade-off between working with your teammates and sustaining a good K/Dr will keep people from playing selfishly. It may even encourage them to work with their team, because it may have a positive impact on their K/Dr. And finally, if they add the 'incapaciated' to replace the current 'death' stat, and instead use the death stat to indicate number of respawns, then you have a good way to tell whether a player is a team-player or not.
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  2. maxkeiser

    No problem with this change, it just brings the game into line with BF2/2142 etc - where a revive has ALWAYS removed a death from the scoreboard/record.
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  3. AuntLou42

    Now the same guys will be spread out around the base waiting for revives and not contributing.
  4. AuntLou42

    Yeah if this is implemented they will have to replace and reword the current stats. I makes not sense to me to call it "death" anymore let alone calling a kill a kill won't even make sense. Then there is K/D which should be called "K/Didn't wait for a revive". Also I believe there is a set time where corpses eventually rot and become unrevivable so they would have to display this timer now.
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  5. AuntLou42

    It's not about caring about other player's stats it's about providing factual data. I've always loved stats in any game I play. My appreciation for stats dates back to Super Techmo bowl for Nintendo. Taking away a death when revived is like taking away a shot missed in the NBA if it's rebounded by a teammate or taking a fumble away in the *** if it's recovered by a teammate. If you do this it take away the whole point of the statistic, it's no longer factual.

    Listen guys I'm all for making the medic more valuable in this game but I'm not for turning a tomato into a potato. There are many things they can do instead like:
    • Increase the spawn time or better yet increase the spawn time the more they die(Like Planetside 1).
    • Give they player XP when they are revived.
    • Upon death the screen shows the distance of any nearby medics.
    • People would also be more likely to accept revives if their body warped to the location of the medic.

    You also have to consider what is going to happen when there is no ramification for death. Spawn room door camping is already a huge problem in the game. Now players will be able to run out to kill players trying to contain them. They can be totally suicidal as long as they stay within range of a medics tool or rez grenade(who is safely contained in the spawn BTW). That's just one example of how this is going to be exploited.
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  6. PhunkSauce

    I really think this is an awful idea. Without mentioning how it would completely alter ground play (in my opinion for the worse), it would render the K/D stat useless. Although I recognize this is a team/faction based game, there are many players who DO care about stats.

    Older players will have potentially thousands of deaths logged that would have otherwise not been recorded as deaths had this change been in place from the start. Newer players' overall ratio will benefit disproportionately from this change. In addition, players who play in vehicles or on the ground but outside of the main zerg will also be hurt by this disproportionately. Those who always roll with massive amounts of troops will have K/D's approaching infinity/0 while those of us who prefer tac-ops, vehicle play, and fighting on the fringe will suffer from chronically lower K/D's.

    Again, I know many of you claim K/D doesn't matter at all in such a team given game. But I think deep down many of you, like myself, care about the integrity of the stats.
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  7. AuntLou42

  8. DrBobcat

    This change would render the K/D stat useless? And what, those who never leave spawn rooms are not? Those who lolpod for a living and logout before death are not? Face it: so long as K/D is a recorded/reported stat, there will be players who inflate it. And since I doubt SOE is going to remove it tomorrow, I say they may as well try to make the best out of a bad situation.

    This change will increase the value of and demand for medics. Players who never cared about K/D in the first place will continue to throw themselves at the enemy just as they always have. Similarly, those who used to camp in spawn rooms for twenty straight minutes will feel less scared and will (finally) begin taking risks and playing the objective. I recognize that this is somewhat circular logic and that the "validity" of K/D will diminish, but I'm sure you all know that it can also have a severely negative impact on the game. I've taken part in countless fights where we could have won had just a few more players mustered up the courage to get out there and do work.

    K/D is part of the problem, plain and simple. For those here with high kill-death ratios, nothing will change. You will still be kicking *** and taking names (and hopefully capturing points/playing to win). For those who obsess TOO much about their K/D, who do nothing but pad every session, this change could encourage them to actually DO SOMETHING FOR ONCE.
  9. Zazen

    They won't be waiting long because a corpse is only revivable for ~30secs-1 minute'ish.
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  10. Akaran

    Wait what? No way.
    I like my K/D rate. It sucks, but I like it. I've worked hard at being a better player, and I've been watching my profile page change accordingly. It'll never be sky high; I'm not that good. It shouldn't be.

    There's nothing that I'm going to do that is going to take those deaths away. That's the way I want it and that's the way it should be. If I take a death, I've earned it for one reason or another. Opposing player was that much better, I wasn't paying attention, I did something stupid, someone did something brilliant. If it happens because I'm taking a suicide run trying to ram into a pile of MANA turrets? Here's hoping it worked. Doesn't change that I died.

    Just because I'm lucky enough to get killed while I'm near a medic doesn't mean that the death didn't happen. Just means that I got lucky enough to have a medic nearby. For that to change the stats of a fight is just simply... I'm afraid, wrong. A more sensible solution would be to give a revive counter on the stats - been revived X times. Give medics a stat that says that they've revived X number of people.

    Please don't make this adjustment to my KDR. It doesn't make any sense.

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  11. OldMaster80

    I neither like it but from the killer's perspective this won't change anything.
    From the victim perspective this is interesting: for the first time waiting for a revive could be more worth than restarting from the spawn room.
  12. AuntLou42

    How will they know when the time is up? They won't so uuh yeah my point is valid.
  13. Ronin Oni

    Doesn't matter if death stat "isn't factual"

    never bloody mattered in the first place.

    The problem is people care about it for some dumbtarded reason. This affects what they're going to do in a game. Some who cares about K/D will never and I mean NEVER wait for a revive even when they really should (most of the time).

    Unless... of course... that revive gives them a death back. All of a sudden you've motivated them to wait and accept the revive.



    GAMEPLAY >>>>> stats
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  14. Ronin Oni

    That's an easy fix. Put an indicator on the deploy map.
  15. AuntLou42

    A statistic is a collection of factual data so common sense says your completely wrong. On top of that who freaken died and made revives king????? It should be a players choice whether they want to wait or accept a revive. Now everyone that even cares a little about K/D will feel forced to wait for a revive. This is not the way to make medics viable in battle. Also the K/D matters/doesn't matter is a whole different argument that has never been settled. Whether you like it or not it exists and should remain factual.
  16. DrBobcat

    The only question I have for you is: would you rather people stay in the spawn to pad their KD or PTFO, die, get revived, and not be penalized for it? In my opinion, the people who stick in the spawn are FAR more destructive to the flow of gameplay than those who will wait on the ground for a revive. I'm tired of losing fights because everyone's too afraid to try.

    You seem like a reasonable guy, so I'd like to think that you'd agree with me on this point at least. Do I think that this is the ultimate solution to the problem and that we won't see padders every so often? Of course not. In every game, no matter what measures the developers take to counter an exploit or mechanic, there will be those who stubbornly continue to do what they always have.

    As I said before, I believe this is simply a case of SOE trying to make lemonade out of lemons, to dangle a carrot in front of the faces of those who could be doing so much more for their team. I'll take what I can get at this point.
  17. AuntLou42

    I really don't want either. Of course I don't like people sitting in the spawn. However defenders will now get really suicidal so as an attacker it's really going to suck. If you think about it the spawn room safety area just got extended by the length of a medic tool and in some cases the tossing distance of a rez grenade. Now the defenders will be able to pop out and shoot into areas they couldn't before with NO penalty because they can just simply get rezzed. For attackers it's now just going to be a big game of keeping the corpses down. If anything it'll be comical.
  18. DonC

    This was never needed.
  19. Phrygen

    what bothers me is this messes with overall stat tracking. There will not be significantly more kills than deaths for example. Suiciding wont be the exception to the zero sum game anymore.

    and clearly i'm one of those guys who will wait an hour for a medic... i'm already lining people up willing to come rez me.
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  20. Phrygen

    what makes you think i'm going to come out of the spawn room when its surrounded just cause a medic revive will remove the death? if the medic can't safely revive me and i can't get back to the spawn without dying, chances are we lose the territory with me still dead. Doesn't really change anything.