[Suggestion] Revive and Healing grenades

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Swayback, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. Swayback

    Just a couple of suggestions.

    First of all, both Revive and Healing grenades should be sticky in my opinion. Nothing more frustrating than trying to land them in the perfect position, only to see them bounce off to nowhere. This is especially a major issue outdoors.

    Second, Healing grenades should have a much longer duration to make them anywhere near as competitive as Revive grenades. I'd argue that even Frag grenades are more useful.
  2. Chivalry

    I disagree fully. Bouncing them around corners gives more flexibility.

    If you know how to throw them, they'll almost always land where you want. Head to VR and practice.
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  3. Swayback

    Indoors I have no trouble using them really, it's mostly outdoors where the inconsistent landscape usually ends up bouncing your nade elsewhere. Especially if you're throwing it at close distance. You have a couple of dead friendlies in front of you who need reviving, but they're on an incline so the revive nade you throw at them will actually bounce backwards and land behind you.
  4. jOGI

    I carry 3 revive grenades - and it seems to be usefull for my teammates. yes, sometimes i throw it really bad - but oft i could help. this rules are valid for me:
    1. grenade only if 2 or more dead teammates may profit. Exceptional its to dangerous to revive otherways cause the body of the mate couches in a horrible zone. and of course only, when the mate have a realistic chance to survive the situation after reviving.

    But, sometime i really miss the frag grenades......sadly we cant handle both at the same times...

    CM - best class for me.