[Suggestion] Revamp ZOE

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Roarboar, Jun 1, 2013.

  1. Roarboar

    Currently I find ZOE contradictory to the principles of a MAX suit. All it does is get me killed faster and awards me with kills I would have made without ZOE just as well. Despite all the QQ on the forums I think its a garbage ability.

    I would much rather have ZOE increase the armor rather than decrease it, while slowing down the movement speed. A reverse effect if you will. That way the average planetside player(which is pretty damn bad if you dont mind my saying) wont qq that his target moves too fast and the VS MAX will actually be able to fulfill its intended role.
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  2. Shockwave44


    The VS is about maneuverability. Looks like you joined the wrong faction if you want to be slower.
  3. Roarboar

    And Maxes are about sustainability.
  4. Chipay

    Increasing armor would be something for NC, not VS.
    VS is all about unconventional mobility and that is exactly what we got (more zoidberg WOOP WOOP and less armor).

    To the "Maxes are about sustainability", well, tanks are also about sustainability, yet we do have the lowest armor and the Magrider isn't made for "tank"ing damage.
  5. Jkar

    I'd rather have our PS1 ability, jump jets. Get rid of ZOE, the whining about it will never stop. With jump jets you at least have to make a trade off, vertical movement vs horizontal movement (charge). With jump jets you have a real advantage and a real disadvantage in certain situations like not being able to get away from C4 in buildings for example but on the other hand being able to flank those lockdown and shield MAXes camping somewhere.
  6. felfox

    The VS aren't really about just mobility but rather adaptability and versatility. (Faster reload and accuracy on the move, stable aircrafts and tanks that make up for their inferiority by excelling at positional placement) We're meant to be the jack of all trade that functions well under any circumstance where as the NC are about a tank like playstyle (Huge burst damage and defense at the cost of cumbersome instability. Shotguns show the burst and cumbersome motion while the shield represents the defense.) and TR are about sustained overwhelming force. (Large magazines and rate of fire coupled with controlled forward positioning allows them to be an avalanche of bullets. Lockdown helps cement this philosophy as MAXs and Prowlers "leapfrog" closer and closer to their objectives.)

    Basically the ZOE was meant to give the VS MAX the ability to turn any situation into a favorable one. It's a near passive power that lets you quickly adapt to any situation be it offensive, defensive or positional. Conversely, Lockdown was meant as the absolute offensive power and Aegis the ultimate defense. In theory, the TR/NC powers are meant to be extremely OP under favorable conditions/tactics where as the ZOE is meant to be slightly OP in most situations.

    Unfortunately in it's current state, resources and captured bases don't really matter so tide turning powers of the NC and TR don't really reward the player. The Zoe is meant to be near passive where as the others are situational, as such I REALLY don't envy the devs in their attempt to balance all three...