Returning infiltrator pressing question.

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by kingskorpio80, Feb 14, 2014.

  1. kingskorpio80

    Dear all,

    I am a returning infiltrator, 95% in the class, 94% CQC.

    Was pleased to see many changes have happened although all not positive in my opinion but I have questions regarding it.

    Infiltrator glowing faction specific colour. I cannot see any positive in this change, if anything now people start shoting at you as soon as you cloaked because they don't see you glowing, what is the point of this?

    New cloak and abilities please to see the stalker cloak, tried it ,do like although loosing primary makes thing difficult. now due to the various changes done to it I don't consider my NW5 the only way to go for my CQC infiltrator and thought that running speed is quite suited for a scout class, i think infiltrator should have been faster anyway to compensate but seems dev disagree. anyway i realized that while is possibly a good idea to use sprint the downside is that in theory sprinting makes you more visible or used to. is it still the case? sprint is also perfect for hunter cloak which by is very nature is designed to let you move cloaked for a short period when often sprinting is needed, does sprinting makes hunter more visible?

    final question is regarding game in general, is it still fairly popular and played? saw prices of new items , if everything was consider to be extremely expensive it only went up more and more for anything to the point where now they have player made content to save on people design and charging twice the amount, is this a sign they are trying to cash up as much as they can before shutting down?
  2. Xellas

    The point of the empire-specific glow was to cut down on friendly fire on infiltrators coming back from the field into a base. Since you can't Q-spot a cloaked inf, you basically had 2 options: Open fire and pray you don't 1shot a friendly, or hold your fire, peer at the minimap until you can see if it's a friendly, and pray it's not an enemy because you are handing him first shot advantage (and in a game with TTKs this short, that's often fatal). Needless to say, with the relatively low cost of TKs I just opened fire and let God the nanite chamber sort it out.

    With this I can reliably tell who's a friendly and who isn't at a glance, meaning I get less weapon locks and angry tells.