[Suggestion] Return the Medic crosses on death map.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Metallic123, Oct 3, 2015.

  1. Metallic123


    It's annoying to not know if a medic is running to you or not!
    • Up x 10
  2. Timithos

    I agree. I'm still not getting used to this at all. And as a medic, if I'm going to get my *** shot off, it better not be for the fruitless endeavour of a corpse that despawning before I complete the rez.

    Medic presence awareness lends to better ground control/advancement. We need better ground control in this game to expand battles everywhere, and not just at hard point facilities and spawn points.

    The new ANT with it turret tower construction will lend to better ground control too. Increased deployables and QoL deployable status would help.

    We need better ground control in this game, and removal of the awareness of medic presence didn't help.
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  3. Wrox Razorvine

    100% agreed. It makes no sense why they removed medic awareness from the death screen. It's frustrating for both the medics and the deceased.
    • Up x 1
  4. Timithos

    Also, this can be yet another of the umpteen optional features to make facilities more defensible that doesn't involve just walls, choke points, and terrain elevation. Defenders get mini-map medic data, while attackers don't. Meta: Attackers can hack/destroy a console, or remove a facility upgrade to get medic data back. More meta, people, meta.