[Suggestion] Resupply Experience Cap: Soften in Contested Hexes

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Klinkin, Jan 19, 2015.

  1. Klinkin

    I understand why the resupply experience cap exists: to stop people from farming certs in the warpgate with it. However, in large fights, especially when I'm one of the only engineers around, my ammo pack will get plenty of use, and as much of half of that isn't giving me experience, despite the fact that the bullets are being used legitimately to shoot enemies. I generally can't get many kills to reset the cap because all the heavies or MAXes are getting them, and MAX repairs can fall behind keeping resupply experience coming in unless the MAXes are constantly taking damage.

    Quite simply, my suggestion is that in a contested hex (using the current implementation; i.e. any hex that's giving you experience for staying on point), after reaching the experience cap for resupplying, resupplying now gives fractional experience instead of no experience (half experience seems about right to me). I feel that if my bullets are being useful, I should be getting experience for it.
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  2. Liewec123

    thats a good idea, though i hope it still resets on death,
    zerg v zerg stalemates are some of my favourite cert gaining opportunities,
    drop ammo pack, run in, throw sticky, die, repeat!