Respawn, dead, respawn, dead, respawn, dead, kthnxbai

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pashgan, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. Pashgan

    Wanted to purchase 15k SC @ 3x SC sale at Dec, 21. Not anymore - infantry gameplay is way too frustrating (newly decreased A2G damage on sundy's resulting in multiple spawns under fire), going back to (less campy) EVE.

  2. Sowahka

    Stop spawning on points that are being spammed? There's usually more than one or two spawning locations for any fight. If things are really bad then spawn a hex over and spend 60 seconds driving a vehicle over to help support.
  3. Dubious

    Can I have your stuff? oh wait..