Resource lies

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MrMackey, Jul 11, 2014.

  1. MrMackey

    on amerish sungrey amp shows +50 vehicle resource.. now take your mouse and hover over it.. look at the region window.. that says +50 air. same problem with onatha, makala, heyoka, kwahtee... ETC..

    while on resource issues.. why is freyr the only amp station on esamir that accually gives air resource.. being so close to the west warpgate means its usually owned by whoever has that warpgate. only other decent amount of air resource is at ymir bio? why is this so screwed up.. the fight on esamir is supposed to be over vehicle resource.. not air. yet most bio labs and amp stations are giving vehicle resource.

    if i take an amp station i expect to get air resources. not vehicle. pls fix this mess. if this was done for the resource revamp i would have to say it was a half *** job. at very least make sure there are no discrepancies on the map UI.
  2. Tommyp2006

    With the resource revamp coming up in a month or two none of this will really matter.
    • Up x 1
  3. NC supporter

    Meh just a small glitch and SOE doesn't care. Besides everyone lies so you shouldn't be surprised this is the first time you have been lied towards.
  4. MrMackey

    as small as it may be.. it should be just as small of a fix.. so why not fix it.

    yea.. in a month or 2.. soon