
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sir Sovereign, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. Sir Sovereign

    When you reroll, does it refund all sc and boosts? Do you lose all Certs and levels? Thinking about rerolling, but at the same time I really do love the NC. It seems to have all the best kind of people in it that I play with and it actually makes a challenge for now.. Once the balance happens, NC will be full of gods because of getting used to how we play now.
  2. Thagyr

    Nope. Yep.
  3. Mericulux

    I rerolled NC because TR are boring and with all the crying the NC buff is inbound without a doubt if SOE wants to keep alot of players. still maintaining a 3.0 KDR while playing an aggressive heavy assault as NC.

    what I wanna know is, why is the TTK on the Gauss Saw-S faster than the TTK of the GD-22 or whatever, the GD is supposed to be the close range weapon. it's blantantly clear NC need a buff, their own weapon niches don't even fit.
  4. Littleman

    I honestly think only the SAW is going to see any real love (hopefully with smaller mags to compensate... it's weird the NC LMGs carry so much ammo,) and other weaponry lacking in the raw accuracy department. Anyone that fares poorly with the stock gauss rifle or carbine won't be saved by any kind of buff however. The rifle is so beastly I consider rerolling every time I wield it >.> By comparison my T1 Cycler's CoF throws rounds all over the place when ADS. No wonder I rage so much when my enemies live through my barrage of cycler rounds, all of them will never hit and not due to user error (the other half is on me.)

    At least the NS-11 is a good substitute (jack-of-all-trades, poor at none in my opinion) but still no Gauss rifle, much less the Gauss rifle -S which gets all the fun stuff.

    Coincidentally, compared to my TR brethren, the number of NC medics I see on the field is surprisingly low to just about everything else, especially the HA... whom has the worst of the weapons in terms of accuracy. I'm seeing a connection here.
  5. altonyc

    I'm totally Vanu...but I do like the smaller COF the NC are supposed to have. Makes it so if you're skilled, they're even better. And I'm really thinking there's going to be an NC buff, too--the skilled players don't need it (at least, my death count says so), but there are a lot who need (and deserve) a buff of some sort. Then we just have to deal with a month of whining from VS and TR XD

    But related to the topic, I think Thagyr answered pretty concisely and correctly. You get nothing when you reroll other than a new character. You keep nothing.

    And if you think the NC are going to be gods in a few weeks, you should have played them early beta (I played NC in September). The nerf was needed. A bit harsh, but better than nothing. Although they didn't need to buff the other factions as much as they nerfed the NC...but they seem to like see-saw changes. Like when AA was overpowered...then it was useless.
  6. Brusilov [TR]

    Why do all threads started speculating on SC refunds instantly derail into This Empire is OP, that Empire is UP...

    oh, yeah... it's Dysons 1st law of PS2 forums. "As any particular thread approaches n posts, the possibility that the thread will not degenerate to complaints of OP approaches zero."

    Dysons 2nd law being related to F2P / P2W.
  7. TheShadyLurker

    Lol why would you get a refund for re-rolling? use your head man jeez.
  8. PoopMaster

    There won't be any balance, unless it's for individual guns. Higby mentioned on the stream that NC are supposed to have worse accuracy. Personally, I don't think it's that bad after playing with them for a while now. Get sufficient with NC's Light Assault carbines and you'll be excellent with any other infantry gun in the game.