Require a partner on NC woodman

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IamDH, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. IamDH

    I got in my first lib yesterday and it was epic
    I want a sidekick who will fight with me in Libs and Harassers to make the game funner for both of us
  2. MFP_TK_01

    Maybe if you came over to waterson and played during pst
  3. Darkplace

    There's a guy in our outfit who is adept in liberators and could teach you quite a bit. He's always up for having a passionate gunner/pilot. Send him a /tell, I'm sure he won't mind.

    His character is loopuleasa
  4. IamDH

    Thanks i'll do that
  5. IamDH

    Noob question
    Does the lib pilot get the same XP as the gunner?
  6. MFP_TK_01

    We get assist xp and a Drivers ribbon for every 20 kills. But then again its understandable because half the time my feet are on the dash board while my gunner does all the work.
  7. IamDH

    No wonder i dont see libs alot lol
    I owned a tank yesterday and i felt boss
  8. MFP_TK_01

    Get into a good location and you can get some decent xp. My favorites are when the enemy are trying to make a push for a base and all their armor is right there on the road. I bring our lady lib in at 650-700 and all I see is lightning kill, lightning kill, lightning kill, MBT kill, MBT kill, Sunderer kill.
  9. IamDH

    I got a kill and assist but it felt great
    I noticed the crosshair was slightly wrong tho
    Is hthat normal? (i was using the shredder)
  10. MFP_TK_01

    I wouldn't know, I'm not usually in a gunner seat. I'm better at flying the bird and my friend is better at aiming. To me on the Dalton though it often feels like the shot has a curve to it, but usually we can hit a target if we lead it some.

    I've thought about saving up some certs and re-equipping the shredder and installing a bulldog on the tail for some low ground strafing, but at that level things tend to tear you up.
  11. Itzhaki

    Most people change the main gun (Shredder) to either AI Zephyr or the AV(and AI and AA) Delton. It's costly, but worth it.
    Regarding "getting better" - I suggest joining an outfit for more support (have a reaver guard your *** from scythes and mossies).
    As a vanu player on Woddman, I suggest joining either REBR or FFS for NC.