[Request] - Could we get an exhaustive, updated list of what the rules are with regards to spawning?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zizoubaba, Dec 8, 2019.

  1. Zizoubaba

    It must exits already somewhere, in one patch note or another, but I can't find it.

    It's been several patches now since the introduction of these new spawn rules. I ******* hate them, but given no choice, I've tried to udnerstand them. They make no sense to me.

    Sometimes, if I leave my sundy in an empty base, then leave the base and die somewhere else, I can spawn back.

    Sometimes I can't.

    Why? No one knows.

    Sometimes I can spawn at a base that needs help, sometimes I can't. Why? No idea, no one ******* knows.
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  2. Towie

    Actually the in-built rule is surprisingly simple. If you have a need to spawn somewhere to be useful - you can't.

    On a serious note - I don't think anyone can as it doesn't seem to be consistent.
    Want to spawn somewhere where you have an overpop ? You can't (for a while anyway).
    Want to spawn somewhere where you have an underpop ? Sometimes you can - sometimes you can't - sometimes you'll tell your squad that they can get there only for them to say they can't. Might be the SCU - population - who knows.

    Me - I tend to grab a Valkyrie and fly to my desired destination; usually collecting a few squad mates who also can't spawn where they want to !
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  3. Zizoubaba

    There's two rules I think I figured out, but they aren't always true.

    1. If you drive to a base with a sundy and deploy it, if you're the only player there, no one can spawn at your sundy until you cap the A point.

    2.Even once you've capped the A point, it seems that even though people can spawn there, they have to wait like 12 seconds or so before it becomes available, so most of the time, no one waits. However if an enemy comes and caps the A point back, it "promotes" the spawn cause I've noticed that as soon as that happens, people start spawning.

    It can be really really annoying when being back capped, spawning back to previous base and then being stuck there..

    Also, I wish there was a way for me to know whether I can spawn at my own sundy or not, like an icon or something,. Lastly, if I'm far away, I can not know whether my sundy is even alive or not, unless people are spawning there.
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  4. TRspy007

    Even better, we should be able to "bind" to our sunderers, just like elysium spawn tubes. This will help prevent this issue of not being able to go back to stop a backcap and effectively losing your spawn.

    I don't know why the devs had to prevent people from spawning, or putting such significant cooldowns. It's really annoying during battles between hexes, where the population is close to even, but since each faction is fighting from their hex, the computer thinks there's mass overpop on each side.

    Personally I think they should remove queues and spawn restrictions. If people want to do something, they'll do it anyways - it's Planetside 2. We should stop trying to control the uncontrollable, and work on quality-of-life improvements. There are tons of bugs that should be prioritized before even attempting to "balance" the game, which already evened out by itself long before balance mechanics existed.
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  5. DarkStarAnubis

    Unfortunately DBG is not exactly famous for taking good design decisions. At best, they tinker.

    I have given up trying to figure out how it works and I always park a Sundy in an adjacent region, very close to the border. That usually bypass all the stupid rules.
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