Replacing K/D with SPM? Don't make me laugh

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jrv, Apr 25, 2013.

  1. Lepalose


    They need to figure out a way to score gameplay to include the importance of objective-based gameplay other then the minor experience bonuses they currently provide. That is things like flipping points, capturing and defending strategically, taking down generators, supporting through repairs & revives, etc. etc.

    Basically, they need to figure out how to promote the attitude of "get out of the spawn room and push the point already"
  2. Posse

    Why should we care if the existence of K/D affects the behaviour on forums? Besides, if the people who always argue with fallacies didn't have the K/D, then they will think of another ad-hominem to use, and nothing will change.

    On the other hand, I don't see anything wrong with playing more conservatively, in fact I think that people should value their lives and not think "who cares if I die, I can just respawn again", people who value their lives are the ones who think of creative ways to do things and not behave like a mindless zergling, playing while caring if I die or not is what made me look for ways to be successful in a LOT of situations and win when outnumbered (an example I remember well was one time when I was alone against 3 MAXes and an Infil a killed all of them, if I just went head on I'd have died 10 times without killing even 2 of the MAXes, playing conservatively is what made me win that fight, together with the incompetence of the opposition of course).

    It's those kind of people the ones whom I trust to watch my back, not the kamikaze guys who don't care about anything. Besides, playing more conservatively (in a balanced way of course, the sniper who is 300m away is excluded from this reasoning for example) actually makes you get more kills in the long run, time spent dead and time spent running from the spawn to where the fight is going on is time wasted, so, for all the reasons I just stated, I'd play while caring about not dying with or without a KDR.
  3. wwwyzzerrdd

    score per minute became meaningless the first time i went afk to take a piss in a spawn room
    • Up x 5
  4. Littleman

    The only stat that means anything is non of them or all of them. A high K/D is impressive at a glance, then we find it was done via scatmax, mines, and the zephyr. That K/D is no longer impressive.

    We find the guy has a high K/D, high SPM, 30% accuracy, and done so primarily with a so-so LMG, well hell, there's room for respect, but he could have found a nice and safe camping spot with eyes on a high traffic area.
  5. HadesR

    Since killing should be the means to achieve your goal rather than the goal itself ... Maybe if they removed kill XP from any SPM metric it would give a better indication of overall team based game play ?
  6. SinerAthin

    Becuse Defending bases tend to stack up quite high in a shifting battle.
  7. NC_agent00kevin

    I had a 54:1 KDR last night.

    But I was in a lib gunning for about 45 min. Ridonkulous score and certs per minute. Yes, Im a good gunner, but that doesnt mean I can pay the game good. We might have been in places we werent needed just farming....or we may have been supporting our Faction's immediate goals. One will never know just looking at stats, no matter what those stats are.
  8. Badname0192

    I read somewhere people still play CS:GO and CS:S.. it's all K/D there.

    Hint hint.
  9. Badname0192

    Says the guy who's kill board is littered with SMG's and Shotguns.

    Battlefield, it's a k/d game, go have a ball.
  10. Jrv

    Care to share you stats? I noticed your forum name isn't your in-game name. Since you seem so keen on judging other's stats based on their weapon usage, I'd love to see what excuses you have for your obviously poor stats.
  11. Lepalose

    Well I think killing + fighting is still important, so should be a portion of the SPM metric, just a smaller portion.
  12. Lepalose


    K/D from vehicles & K/D from infantry should be differentiated (perhaps even MAX units), as they are quite different in survivability.
  13. Badname0192

    I don't send those types of pics on the web and I don't think this forum is a good place to do measurement contests there Jr.

    But I am flattered that you would be interested if that means anything.
  14. Jrv

    So I take that as a "no?" Well then, kindly get out of my thread, since you clearly have nothing to offer other than exposing your own insecurities.
  15. Badname0192

    Pretty deep there but last I checked this forum post was open for public consumption and you got a bit hurt when I mentioned my opposition to your opposition by being equally as snarky as the title of your forum post.

    If you didn't want the company, you shouldn't have made the title the way it is . . Fury/Hacksaw spam spam spam!
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  16. Paperlamp

    Neither KD or SPM are good indicators of a player's value. Really, the only players who can really tell are your squad/platoon/outfit and even then not all of them will pay that close of attention.

    SPM is a joke but KD farming is not hard in this game. There are many ways to get easy, low risk kills. Sit in a spawn room of a base that's going to take awhile for the assault to take, you'll kill lots of people running past with no risk of death whatsoever. I could create a new character and get a ridiculous KD just doing this, and it'd look like I'm some pro HA(you'd go HA for the dumb fire gibbing and large LMG magazines) on my stat page.
  17. Jrv

    Oh totally dude, less than 200 kills with furies, about 2600 kills with hacksaws on 10% playtime, and 8000ish kills with LMGs and SMGs. I totally just spam hacksaws and furies, you're right.

    I'd love to make baseless, mindless claims based on your stats, but for some reason you seem reluctant to show us.
  18. Badname0192

    The original poster of this topic spams hacksaw and uses a fury the whole time which both I know aren't even a challenge, nor really in the long run, indicators of skill. Hacksaw max is easy, bio-lab and or many buildings where a cap point is within range and you have plenty of medic and engineer support. Fury on an ATV is the same way.

    It's like saying Light Assault with a shotgun is tough.
  19. Badname0192

    So all you do is play Heavy with the easy mode (NC) hacksaw and fury all day.
  20. Jrv

    Sure, dude. Whatever you say. Still waiting on those stats.