[Suggestion] Replace ZOE with jumpjets

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rentago, Oct 9, 2014.

  1. Rentago

    You reading this radarx?

    Ive seen it many times, "But that would be OP" but no examples as to why, no rhyme or reason other than maxes may go into light assault territory where they'll get c4'd without a medic or engineer to reach them.

    Its real blind criticism that ive seen from people, and i want to see it proven, i want to see if its laziness or that if it really would be game breaking to watch a max get over the base walls, aint like they got sniper rifles, or can solo aircraft or tanks, they dont have infinite ammo, and they cant revive themselves, what can they really do when up with a bunch of c4 wielding fairies on a roof, a liberator pass by?

    Maybe a tank could be put at a disadvantage but nothing a little reversing cant solve.

    really, convince me, never seen one good argument for an alternative that is purely in just making our max a little more vertically flexible, since horizontal sprinting is what all maxes can do.
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  2. Ztiller

    I love how SOE said that MAXes with jumpjets would be OP, then proceeded to instead give us the old movement-speed ZOE.

    It could so easily be balanced. Give the VS MAX an armor reduction with jumpjets equipped, or a big reduction when flying. Give it a very slow acceleration and distinct sound. Make the MAX have to charge up before flying.

    There are tons of different opportunities to balance it. Instead they chose to give us this ZOE which was OP for 5 months and have now been a pile of dung for 9.

    The current ZOE have absolutely no strategical value whatsoever. Lockdown can be used for point defense or Anti-Air batteries, and Riot shield can be used for breaching power.

    The ZOE in its current implementation, even if the values it had actually mattered, offers no tactical advantages whatsoever and punishes teamwork.
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  3. maxkeiser

    I say give the Vanu max the ability to wield dual PPA weapons. And a hover board.
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  4. Goretzu

    One of the few (maybe the only) sensible things they left out of PS1 was Jump Jets on MAXs.

    Especially as PS2 is much more vertical than PS1 ever was.
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  5. Movoza

    The reason is that the max has to follow certain pathways. The max needs to attack an area with severely limited options. A defencive line will keep the MAX and all other units (except LA) at bay. If you can ignore some groundgame, moving past the heavily defended lines and attack from behind/flank, the whole defencive lines have no meaning but meat to be grinded. The LA is weak enough, but 3 MAX's will tear the lines apart, allowing for a way too easy advance of vanu forces. Every line should be taken by raw frontal force or delicate tactics. Not just raw force that you move in from any point you want.
  6. Wizlawz

    what is ZOE?

    max and infil with jump jets what a pair.

    how would engis and medics reach the max? i suppose with valk?

    what i would think is the galaxy being able to carry max passengers...does it? if not it should.

    i think a galaxy being able to carry max would be the better option...that is if it currently can not.

    and the valk as well.
  7. Copasetic

    "Other than", heh. That IS the reason and it's good enough all by itself. No class but the LA will be able to touch MAXs on a roof. LAs won't get near them because they've now lost the only advantage they had over MAXs. Not even other MAXs will be able to counter them because only VS MAXs could make it on top of buildings.

    It's a bad idea all around but the least you could do is come up with some meaningful downsides to this vastly increased mobility. You can't move while locked down, you can't shoot or run while using the Aegis shield, so what downside would jump jets come with? This better be good.
  8. Bananenweizen

    Every mobility advantage based ES ability for a MAX will be either broken OP or an useless alternative to charge. We already had this lesson with ZOE, why run the second time against the same wall?
  9. Loken

    Absolutely DO NOT give the VS max jump jets. Totally BAD idea.
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  10. Ixidron

    I'm laughing so hard right now.
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  11. z1967

    ZOE was OP because it gave mobility to a class that was not supposed to have mobility. JJ on MAXes will be the same way, especially since there are so many battlefield mobility related stunts that only LAs can perform and now a MAX will be able to do.

    A better ZOE replacement (not like it could get any worse) would be something that enhances accuracy and damage (AI weapons hit max/min damage much farther out, AV weapons get a damage boost) for the activation time, but debuffs against small arms and explosives make you more susceptible to dying.
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  12. Rentago

    here we are again, a lot of people plain out saying no, without a real reason.

    Some people even trying to argue as far as "but they'll snipe us from the roof" and snipe with what? the only advantage they'll get is pretty much against ground vehicles, and even then they'll end up being just exposed more being on any roof or hill top to aircraft.

    the only stunt a light assault has is the bio dome roof area, thats it.

    oh and you seem to forget, if its downsides, there can be a ton of them, really they could give them a very low amount of energy and a long cool down meaning they cant hop everywhere, to more extreme like you guys want and make activating it autokills the user cause a lot of you are babies like that.

    realistically it would not be as maneuverable nor are far climbing as the light assault, it wouldnt last long nor recharge fast, but alternatives like you dolts want is it flies like a light assault but it takes 300% more damage and it deals no damage.

    i dont se lockdown decreasing damage or making it take more damage, and i dont see riot shield making your max immobile or increasing damage.

    so obviously, jumpjets will and should be balanced regarding how those jumpjets work, because they arent jet packs, and a max is heavy, purely meant to climb small heights, and not land and immediately begin climbing more nor sustain long flights, it should be JUMP JETS not boba fett, JUMP!
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  13. Wizlawz

    really the only thing i would like to see on MAX is whether its AA wep or AT wep they both should damage vehicles IE: AA can damage ground vehicles like tanks and sundies, AT can damage aerials....or get rid of both guns and make 1 gun with ability to switch ammo types on the fly...even better.

    all i can say is climb the mountain with MAX like infil has to.

    are there not enough "elevators" in a compound for MAX to utilize? if not maybe request some more...and with pics as to where a MAX could utilize them effectively.
  14. Diilicious

    which is exactly why it is OP here and not there.
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  15. crusaderx11

    well considering ** is already giving away their wall/texture scaling knowledge to other outfits and even factions, it really doesnt matter anymore
  16. Santiak

    I think part of what scares people, is the notion that such a MAX Jumpjet would be exactly as nimble as LAs are.

    What if it actually required horizontal movement prior to jumping, to maintain momentum in a given direction? As well as the jumpjets working against that horizontal momentum when in use, so if you use it while completely stationary, you have no directional control, and will only go straight up, basically - and if you have very little horizontal momentum, you only very slightly traverse horizontally during the jump.

    It wouldn't, for example, be capable of scaling towers, only just barely the first level of it (given enough room to gain horizontal momentum) - after that, there's not enough room to gain the necessary horizontal momentum to traverse to the next level from the one below.
    Tightly-packed buildings would be the same; not enough room to scale them - and only rarely enough space to gain enough momentum to be able to jump from one building to the next.

    If you want more balancing than just the ability itself being limited, you could add a damage decrease to the MAXs weapons during and for a short period after the jump (not to mention the obvious issue of accuracy while jumping). As the MAX would have to expend more power than normal to activate the ability, it would have to drain some of the power from their battery powered weapons to achieve the jump in the first place, and that power would have to be redirected back into the weapons after the jump had been completed.
    Add to that, that the MAX would most likely have to run (not use weapons) prior to engaging the jumpjets, if they want to exploit the mobility they offer to its fullest. Effectively meaning its weapons are deactivated piror to the jump, of little use during, and in a reduced state after.

    Plenty of opportunities to balance the ability, which - if implemented, or even if it isn't - should be followed by balancing (increase of useability) of the NC Shield and TR Anchor.

    That is, give the NC the ability to use a lesser version of sprint with the shield up. However, opting to sprint reduces the energy of the shield, but by relatively less than traversing the distance at normal speed and under medium gunfire. To make it a bit less situational and a bit more flexible.

    Likewise, instead of down-right clamping TR MAX unit to the ground, which worked in PS1 because of the plethora of tight corners and enclosed areas, remove the complete lack of mobility and replace it with reduced mobility in terms of movement (not so much aiming).
    Alternatively, make the ability dependent on movement, so if stationary, the MAX achieves the same bonuses as it does now, if walking, those bonuses are reduced (slightly less reduced if it has an adverse affect on mobility while active), and if running the bonuses are nullified.
    Could attempt to explain it by the ability actually causing the machinery of the MAX to "anticipate" the recoil of its weapons, restraining movement but allowing for increased refire rate.
    Again, hopefully that should remove the TR MAX Anchor form the highly situational scenario, to being a somewhat more flexible and thus interesting ability to use.

    Either way, it's a down-right shame that the MAX abilities are situational only in regards to a very limited scope of scenarioes, which greatly reduces the incentive for MAX pilots to use it over the much more generally useful Sprint ability.
  17. LodeTria

    If it ran on health I could maybe see it being okay. So you could get onto rooftops but it's going to cost you your HP to do it. You could also die from over using it.
  18. Wizlawz

    if MAX does get a jump jet it should use the "fuel"(?) much quicker due to weight...or maybe an afterburner would work.

    maybe not a one time use but a very long cool down timer.

    hel why not let MAX fly a lil not as high as other aerials ...lets say just above building height?...not above towers though

    kind of a somewhat close to ground aerial support?
  19. z1967

    -Slingshot Maneuver*
    -Rapid Ascent on Vertical pads
    -Propelling yourself with Vehicles
    -and many more that don't have names

    *This is the most important. This would allow MAXes to use a jump pad to get past terrain counters with relative ease. This is balanced with the LA because they have 1000 HP and moderately powerful weapons (and C4). With a MAX, we would have a unit that can do the same thing and have 10 000 HP and two moderately powerful weapons. Not a good idea.

    If you think that Jump jets are a small ability, you are greatly mistaken. LAs, when on a roof, can be taken off the roof incredibly easily. A MAX on a roof will be close to impossible to remove because the only things that can get up there would be Light Assaults.

    Mobility on tanky classes is a big no no. It always leads to disaster and over nerfs (like ZOE).
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  20. OldMaster80

    My concern is not they will snipe me. But that they will ge able to stay out of reach for most of troopers, in particular HA which are the only one with rocket launchers.
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