
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Who Garou, Sep 1, 2014.

  1. Who Garou

    So I heard someone bring up repelling the game.
    it seems to work, but I'm not completely sure of the mechanic.
    I know that if I'm sometimes facing a cliff face that I can "cling" to - or appear to be able to do so - but I'm not sure what triggers it.'

    Anyone know for sure if this really exist or if this is a pseudo-mechanic?
  2. DatVanuMan

    It doesn't exist. People only mention it because of the Light Assault and how the class can be improved.
  3. Govedo13

    It exists. Go to vanu archives with any class and go down trying to use the rock walls to slide down after several attempts you would figure how not to die.
    It is pseudo mechanic.
    • Up x 1
  4. Who Garou

    I was pretty sure it was working, but without going down the same cliffs forward and cliff-facing, it was hard to tell if it was working or not.

    I kind of see the same kind of thing using light assaults going up a cliff face and being able to "latch on" while the jump jets recharge as well.

    it looks like I'll just have to experiment with it more.
  5. Who Garou

    That wasn't how I heard it mentioned.
    It came up in squad chat mid-battle and the whole squad repelled own a cliff face that looked like it would have killed us if we went face forward. I was an engineer at the time, and I made it down the cliff face - backwards - with no damage.
  6. Taemien

    Its a pseudo-mechanic and very near the line of an exploit, but on the side of 'clever use of game mechanics'. So no harm in using this for an advantage (till they decide to patch it out).

    Basically edge yourself off a cliff and as long as its a 90 degree grade (straight up and down) and not an angle towards the inside of the cliff, you can 'run' in the direction of the cliff and slide down harmlessly. As others have said, any class can do this, even MAXes. To put it simply, hug the wall you're sliding down for no damage.
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  7. Ronin Oni

    You're catching on the cliff face.

    Just enough and it can save you

    AFAIK it's not 100% safe. A requirement obviously being that the base of the cliff not be tucked in.

    Unintentional mechanic from interacting with the randomly generated terrain.

    It's more of a "controlled slide" than a "rappel"