Repeated Failure of Explosive Weapons

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Renthrak, Dec 7, 2012.

  1. Renthrak

    I am finding that explosive weapons are failing to inflict damage on a regular basis. In order of how common this happens:

    Under Barrel Grenade Launcher: By far the worst offender. Today, I got about 5 kills with rifle grenades, and at least 4 cases where the grenade did nothing. Firing at a MAX, grenade hits it square in the chest and detonates, inflicting no damage. Firing at infantry, grenade detonates against the character model, zero damage. Firing at the ground, grenade detonates between a soldier's feet, zero damage. Firing at the wall, grenade detonates six inches away from a soldier's face, zero damage.

    Unguided Rocket Launcher: This almost always happens vs. ground vehicles. I fire a rocket at a tank or Sunderer. The rocket impacts the vehicle and explodes. No hit is registered, and no damage is inflicted. Sometimes, I live long enough to reload and fire a second rocket. The second rocket ALWAYS inflicts damage normally. Usually, I get a tank shell in the face before I can fire a third for the kill. This happens at least once a day, on average.

    Default Magrider Cannon: Same as above. Sometimes, the first shot will not harm the vehicle that it hits. The second shot, and all subsequent shots, work normally. I don't drive Magriders very often, but this also seems to happen once every day or two. Unless the driver of the vehicle I'm shooting at is clueless, this usually results in my death.

    These problems are unacceptable for a professionally developed game.
  2. Eugenitor

    Don't have an underbarrel launcher, but I can confirm the rocket launcher hitting on my screen and doing nothing- and yes, it's always on the first shot.