[BUG] Remove the faction queue system please

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Diilicious, Apr 30, 2016.

  1. Diilicious

    Every time i spawn directly into VR training it means theres going to be a longass wait before i can actually shoot people and i will normally leave the game if that happens.

    Now im a patient person most times, but you are directly undermining any good intent the construction system could have had in regards to player count increases by making people wait upwards of 15 minutes just to play the game.

    I waited eight minutes to get to esamir because it was going to be almost impossible to play on Indar because the queue was out of this world, when i got on the continent, I couldnt see even a single big fight i could participate in looking at the hexes the players were spread all over the map.

    Its a nightmare and if the construction system doesnt kill this game, that massive *** queuing system will, there was never a problem before so i dont even know why this was put in, some factions have more than others but VS literally win every alert with far less people so who cares? its totally moot.
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  2. Pfundi

    I tried to post it on reddit to get some attention, but well, the everything is great guys that seem to enjoy sitting in VR and sitting around camping afterwards made it a short try.
  3. Diilicious

    "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy."
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  4. Thunder33

    Its looks like that people from low pop servers is happy with the queues update and people from high pop servers is angry because they didnt have the low pop servers problems. In GW2 they have long queues too, but then you can do alot of other activites when you wait for the queue. In Ps2 we only have VR.
  5. SpeedFreakPS1

    There was already a long discussion on this, the queue changes have provided the VS on Connery a fresh breathe of air and is the best change of all changes for quite some time as far as myself and many VS are concerned.

    And again, with the new construction system in place, having the Chinese red army run rapid with their massive pops would be even more disastrous. You have the option of fighting on other continents as well.
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  6. Hoothers

    VS has NO QUEUES
    Then again, VS weapons suck , MBT sucks...MAX ability zoe sucks
    I se ewhy most of players chose not to play vanu
  7. Scr1nRusher

    People like you need to be denied internet access.
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  8. Armcross

    Back then I might got happy with this population balance mechanic when VS overpopulated Connory. But then again some of use learn how to deal with over pop enemy, so I'm not sure it will be a good thing.

    I recommend you try other faction as you don't seems appreciate Vanu's blessings.
  9. Taemien

    All factions have queues. [IMG] do not.

    The system tries to enforce 33-33-33 until a member switches to a continent. Then the numbers are slightly skewed in favor of that faction. Then and only then does the system allow for the other 2 factions to get more peeps. However.. if members log in on all factions around the same time. Non-members will have to wait a bit longer.

    So get [IMG], and you can avoid the queue. Occasionally members all login at the same time. This causes some to be in the queue for a few seconds to a minute. But under normal conditions. Its instant.

    One thing I'll say.. is it adds value to the membership. Not the way I'd like though.

    Also for those of you with alot of time on your hands and not alot of money. Try downloading Everquest or Everquest 2. Farm up a bit of plat to buy a Krono in the Bazaar/Broker. Use the Krono and it will grant 30 days of membership to the account. This applies membership to the ENTIRE account, including PS2. Just make sure you login with your PS2 account.

    If you already have membership, you can actually login to one of the progression servers. Some of the item drops actually trade for multiple Kronos. Last I checked the Flowing Black Silk Sash from frenzied ghoul in Lower Guk on the Phinigel server was going for 3-4 Krono. That's 3 or 4 months of membership for a few hours of waiting.
  10. ArcKnight

    how long does it take to get enough Kronos in EQ2 ?
  11. Liewec123

    agreed, every map is empty now.
    i'm currently a subscriber so i don't have to queue long, but it is irrelevant when the majority of players can't even get in the maps.
    i say "currently a subscriber" because sadly i don't think i'll be renewing it. :(
    construction system has made the game boring, queue system has made the game empty, a complete checkmate by DBG.
  12. kingofzero100

    ( I myself do like the construction system, as it does allow for more flavor and its benefits are great to keep the game fresh. it isnt perfect yet, but its nice for the game. The Queue thing......... yeah. They had a good intention for it, but they do need to fix it.
  13. EvilWarLord

    They added the Faction queuing system because 1 faction would steam roll the entire continent with 40 - 45% continent pop

    They'll make tweaks but don't expect them to remove it.
  14. Hoothers

    Learn to not play only OP factions, why is that on NC and TR are crying about queues?
    Vanu needs buffs to be a playable race, ppl chose tr or nc over vanu because vanu atm suck in weapons and vehicles alike
    If DBG wont buff VS, expect this queues to go bigger...atm the queue is arround vs population, being the lowest. More vs, less queue, less vs, more queue.
    You chose, PLAY IN VR iwth your nc por tr , or BUFF VS
  15. Hoothers

    Why so few VS players?
    Because we are underpowered, our weapons ARE WEAK, ARE LAUGHABLE WEAK, our MBT is nicknamed "harraser" for a reason .
    So, until DBG wont buff VS, you can expect the queues for tr and nc to grow longer.
    Less VS = more tr/nc on VR room queued.
    This is THE TRUTH, as simple as that, said to your face.
    Thousands of players went to TR AND NC because OP weapons, other thousands left VS because of the constant nerfs ( Higgby age of the game mostly), leaving VS underpowered and outnumbered ON EVERY SERVER.
    Now the queue will calculate THE LOWEST POP, aka VS, and adjust acordingly.
    The math is as follows:
    buff VS = less tr/nc queues
    keep vs as is = game is dead
  16. Liewec123

    1. i play all factions each night i play.
    2. VS are usually the zerg faction on my server. (Cobalt)
  17. WTSherman

    That's not how the queue works at all. The way it works is it tries to keep the highest faction from being more than 10 points above the lowest faction (so for example, if it was 28/33/38, it would kick in for the faction with 38). It is also supposed to have a failsafe that disables the queue if no balanced continents are available to join.

    A queue when the population spread is less than that just means the continent is full. Continent population is tracked per-faction, so it's entirely possible for a continent to be full for one faction but not others.

    However, there seems to currently be two bugs with this system:

    1: It is counting full continents as "balanced and available to join", and queuing overpopped factions to them. This is causing problems for high-pop factions as soon as one continent fills up, causing them to get stuck in VR.

    2: Low-pop factions are randomly getting queued for no apparent reason when they try to join a highly unbalanced continent. For example, earlier today Hossin was 27/30/43 when the population crossed the value that activates the queue. My VS and TR characters were still getting queued when they tried to join, even though their caps clearly couldn't be full since they were 27% and 30% respectively. I don't know what's causing that, but it's obviously a bug.
  18. Hoothers

    i am vanu on cobalt and you are a liar
    like, a blatant one
  19. Liewec123

    if you were on cobalt you'd know that certain colossal VS zergfits have (for a long time) all swarmed to the same continent and mothballed over everything, one of these zergfits (if you were on cobalt you'd know the one) has almost 4000 members,
    i'd wager they make up a decent portion of the VS playerbase on the server, and they all zerg together in one big mass of purple.
    right now the zerglings have one continent locked, severe overpop on 2 others and are only just rivalled by TR on the last...but tell us again how poor VS are so victimized lol.

    you aren't cobalt VS, and if you are then you have no right to call anyone else a liar or zerger.
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  20. Taemien

    Its not how its supposed to work no. But that's how it appears.

    That's why we have the bugs you described. The member to front system isn't playing nicely.