[Suggestion] Remove sweeper hud implant.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Leandre, Jul 8, 2020.

  1. Leandre

    I remember back in the days before this implant was implemented, it was possible to get mine's kill once in a while. Most of time we had a gunner ''Q'' ing the road in order to spot mines because otherwise they was way harder to spot than having this implant doing it automatically.

    My point is that this is again too advantageous for veterans (I am) because noobs/new players won't never get a mine kill on me, like I will never get a mine kill on another veteran...But veterans can still farm mine's kills on noobs!

    I did even see some Heavy Assault using sweper hud in order to avoid anti-personnal mines (mostly their only weakness)....

    Just remove it! It was way more fun to take time before you turn a corner and spot for mines!
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  2. InexoraVC

    yes and remove vehicles. Make PS2 a Call of Duty!
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    Implants = crutches
  4. RabidIBM

    Taking that implant prevents me from taking others I might want. It's not like it's a total gift here. I really don't like these posts "I don't like something, please remove it!"
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  5. ZDarkShadowsZ

    Maybe I'm just a really bad, stupid veteran player (I probably really am), but I've died to vehicle and AI mines quite a few times. Sure not as much as before the implant revamp, but it still happens.

    My friend runs with Sweeper HUD all the time, whereas I don't. AI mines can be seen if a player is observant enough, and I always play under the assumption there's a claymore around every corner unless I use flak armour. Having the implant equipped doesn't outright guarantee mine evasion, it just makes players aware that there is a mine nearby. It's up to the player to react and avoid it.

    I can be driving so fast that by the time the icon appears, I'm not always able to react fast enough. Other times the terrain I'm driving on makes my vehicle less controllable and despite seeing the icon, I'll slide onto the mine whilst trying to avoid it. With all of that said, sometimes the implant can bug out and fails to work at all which is something that is out of my control.
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  6. Blam320

    Sweeper HUD is fairly useless in Vehicles; often you're moving too fast for it to take effect, so if you're not watching where you're going you're still going to run over the mines anyways.
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  7. Johannes Kaiser

    As someone who has gotten mine kills, seen my buddies get mine kills, and getting killed by mines, this is somewhat of an exaggeration.
    Simply being careful is in my opinion usperior to Sweeper HUD. True, even that fails sometimes, but it does not take an implant slot. :)
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  8. netBattler

    I don't like this post, please remove it!
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  9. ChUnKiFieR

    Isn't knowing your way around our maps an advantage over a nooby? How about all the good hiding spots? Isn't knowing them an advantage as well? Discovery is part of the fun of gaming. No one is a noob forever!
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  10. PlanetBound

    Drive on the left side or off the road.