Remove Nanoweave

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Wiborg17, Jun 18, 2020.

  1. Somentine Pick a server, any server.

    It's a really good gun, as the above dude said, but it doesn't dominate, and that is with it being cross-faction.
  2. Blam320

    Those stats cover every player; I'm only considering players who tryhard to the point of trying to optimize every aspect of their gameplay.
  3. Somentine

    lul like who?

    Live has the activity statistics for each server, and they don't support your claim.

    People dueling or outfits scrimming on Jeager (also viewable on activity) don't all run around with ms-15.

    Events don't have all heavies running around with ms-15.

    Why isn't the T32 Bull considered one of the best then? It has the exact same bloom/accuracy, but lower recoil than the ms-15, it also has slightly higher dps.
  4. That_One_Kane_Guy

    Using vague and subjective criteria like that you could gather evidence or massage data to support almost any argument imaginable. Global data is flawed, yes but in most cases humans will gravitate towards whatever is most effective, so it's far from worthless in this discussion.
  5. Technologist

    I don’t think I’ve used nano in over a year. I can kill heavies with a handgun regardless and I don’t even use regen, no med kits, no nano. Just infill with a handgun. Skills win and what’s nano? 20% help on bullets? Not a Big deal.
  6. Blam320

    I've seen entire squads of Heavies use solely the NS-15. The fact of the matter is, in my experience, the NS-15 outshines most other LMGs when it comes to players who are taking the game very seriously.

    It's always either the NS-15 or the Directive LMG. The others are mostly used by people who aren't taking the game as seriously.
  7. InexoraVC

    Hmm. NS-15 is the great weapon but it can't be considered as all-rounder. For example in many cases Promise (NC) looks more promising, as well as MAW/Flare/Polaris (VS) or TMG-50/T32 Bull (TR). I have ~5000 kills as VS HA and only ~155 NS-15 kills.
    But again - NS-15 is the great gun.

    This thread is about Nanoweave. My opinion - it can be easily removed from HA (see or can be given as a standart to any class in the game. It won't affect gameplay much.
  8. That_One_Kane_Guy

    The problem with this line of thinking is that there is nothing stopping someone else from showing their own contradictory 'evidence' leaving nowhere to go but into an endless debate of who is taking the game 'more seriously'.

    The ideal would be to dig out the OW stats or even the old OS stats where you have competition between skilled players with a decent incentive to win and see what that data shows. In lieu of that a statistical overview of the entire community is still a better litmus test of what the 'meta' is than the anecdotal example of a single player on a single server.
  9. DarkStarAnubis

    In my limited experience weapons like the NS-15M2 are excellent choices as long as you can dictate the engament rules (basically you shoot first and/or you are far enough to offset with the weapon precision the lack of DPS).

    I auraxied (sp?) the NS-11C recently and as LA I could easily choose when and how to engage.

    As HA if you are fighting Frontline you won't have that luxury and you are bound to have frantic fights where you would need raw power to win.