[Suggestion] Remove KDA?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Devilllike, Aug 14, 2015.

  1. FBVanu

    If you don't like the KDR in your in-game stat page, don't look at it.
    Nobody is forcing you to pay attention to it.

    Much better stats about your game play can be found on Auraxis.info.. just type your character name in.
    Then you can see your overall "contribution" to the game/battle etc..

    Removing the KDR stat will not change anything
  2. Devilllike

    yeah u got a point to that :p my bad
  3. Devilllike

    not necessarily anything and we both know that mate people do stay behind because of it
  4. Devilllike

    sure it wont make u a rambo but it also woul make players not care about dying in the first place and thus motivate them to at least try to go forward for once >.> instead of staying behind watching us from the spawn room
  5. Devilllike

    Current total KDR in main chaacter last time i saw it was 1.82 but ine ach session is about 2+ to 4 or maybe some times 6 depending on the sittuation exp per minute 241.38 without boosters
  6. Devilllike

    i never wait for the medic i respawn cause i dont want to put them in danger either but ok i mean its kind of weird watching half the team trying and half of them staying behind
  7. MarkAntony

    and which half is stupid and which half is right depends on how camped the spawn room is. usually the ones staying behind or redeploying are the smart ones.
  8. Demigan

    Don't remove it, improve it!

    Add more statistics that are readily visible. Idea's are in the long version below.

    Why do people look for stats so much? I think it's because the gameplay doesn't offer enough. Capturing bases is completely a team effort, there rarely is anyting that you can do solo and then show to others. If someone destroys an AMS Sunderer, 99% of the time only the one who actually does it knows, and maybe one or two enemies who tried to stop him. But they likely have forgotten the name before the next time they spawn.

    So the only thing you can really wave into people's face is your KD, because it's readily visible on both your tab-screen and most sites (who also need to change the stats that are readily visible).
    KD is personal and is a stat you earn on your own. It's also highly farmable by using vehicles or safe tactics, which in turn reduce the amount of players that will sacrifice themselves to reach a goal. Since the goals in the game offer so little satisfaction as you wait out a timer and can rarely say 'I did that' unless you are ghost-capping.
    UT CTF for instance has it different. Even when you have a KD of 0,25 but scored 2 or 3 flags, everyone will have a lot more respect for you. This is because the goal is important, can only be accomplished by one player at a time and you are thrown to the top of the scoreboards by doing it. Retrieving flags is also a great stat to have in those scoreboards, but easier to obtain by killing a flagcarrier just after he grabs it.

    A change into the meta aside, we need a shift of focus: display more stats that show your actual accomplishments.
    • First off, an XP per life ratio. Players would actually be focused on earning big time XP, from capturing points, hunting down extreme menace kills, destroying vehicles, keeping friendlies repaired/supplied and healing/reviving. Even assists will not feel as sour under this system.
    • Vehicle kills per life ratio. Won't be a huge ratio for most people, but that's not important. A vehicle kills per life ratio could be high at 0,5 for many people, showing you much better who has an AV focus and who hasn't. Combined with KDR you can get a much better idea how AV or AI focused someone is, and possibly how much they farm infantry.
      • Add the ability to see which specific vehicles you destroyed. So you can see if you were killing Flashes all day or actually destroying (deployed) Sunderers, MBT's, Liberators etc.
      • Alternatively add two different vehicle stats: light, medium and heavy. What vehicles belong to what class can be arguable, such as a Sunderer going into heavy or medium, but most vehicles would be easily classifiable.
    • Vehicles lost vs vehicles killed ratio, possibly with the categories of light/medium/heavy again. Shows how many of your vehicles are destroyed (not dissassembled after timer runs out) and how many you destroyed. This would discourage people suiciding vehicles, which could be a good and bad thing.
    • More fun statistics: damage received per life (from enemies, not environment or allies). A deathscreen stat, shows you how much damage you received. Long, hard-fought lives mean higher damage received.
      • Average damage received per life. For the tab-screen, this stat shows how much fights you survive and how much damage you receive from friendlies/environment. above 1000 damage means you survive more and hurt yourself less/stay out of friendlies range.
      • Average damage dealt per life. Shows how much damage you dealt to other infantry
      • Average damage dealth to vehicles per life. Shows how much damage you dealt to tanks
      • Damaged received vs damage dealt ratio.
    • Average vehicle damage dealt per life
    • Generators overloaded&destroyed
    • points captured
    • Up x 1
  9. MarkAntony

    1. true but I will say that those focusing solely on KDR are dumb and people should learn to take Acc, HSR and KPH into acount.
    2. the farmable/paddable thing is only true if you can't be bothered to check DA stats. but yeah the "goals" or "objective" play is a joke atm. territory is meaningless.
    3. sorry but if you have a 0.25 KDR that means the team was carrying you while you just rushed the flag over and over.you simply got it because they are to busy pulling more weight when it comes to clearing the way to the flag.
    4. Nice I guess. the death screen already kinda does this. I will say though that extreme menace kill are pure RNG and can't really be hunted down in general play. unless you decide to C4 fairy some tanks that are farming inf which is the only reliable way of getting them i can pull off. being a pilot and hunting A2G farmers might be another one but I can't fly.
    5. this is interesting. exspecialy if it shows which kind of vehicle like you said since not all vehicles are created equally. but then again taking down vehicles is usually a team effort so i like the damage done thing you mention later even better.
    6. DA Stats already has this but it is per hour (or minute) instead of per life.
    I mostly like the damage to vehicles Idea since getting the kill is kind of random unless you hold your fire to be the guy who only fires 1 rocket and gets the kill (don't be that guy!).
  10. Devilllike

    idk if this is smart but more than often i notice people staying in the spawn room until the timer reaches like 10-20 seconds to cap and then they rush an if they succed then good if not then damn but i mean they got like in total 5 minutes for example and those 5 minutes they do nothing other than just spawn camp
  11. Devilllike

    in the end of the day i hope they would just remove it for 1 week an see how things will go
  12. Scr1nRusher

    try hard MLG guys would have a meltdown.
  13. Liewec123

    i haven't thought about KDR in a long time,
    but yeah i think getting rid of the stat altogether would be good for the game.
    its a meaningless stat that just encourages camping and cowardice.
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  14. Klypto

    If anyone thinks removing KDR is going to somehow change player behavior, they are delusional.

    For an anecdotal example I will still deny 99.9999% of all revives because coming back with full shields, medkits and ammo with a clear approach to a fight is far better than the potential to instantly die again wasting more time. Staying alive matters regardless of KDR because you kill more people and accomplish more things that way.

    The only reason I would revive you with the enemy is nearby is if I wanted to use you as an expendable shield while I stand behind you and kill them. That would be fully intending that you die again and possibly accidentally team killing you in the process.

    To me you just sound like you don't understand how Planetside works.
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  15. Scr1nRusher

    Removing the "Death" part of K/D would do some interesting things.
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  16. Devilllike

    Well i would do the same its just a blind hope that everybody will try to participate and work as a team and not selfishly but i guess its a dream so whatever
  17. HadesR

    I'm not sure I agree ... Since dying in and on itself can be frustrating at times .. Especially time and time again ... And that holds true regardless of a games genre ...

    Want to make people push forward ?

    Give bases more meaning .. Make players care if its captured or lost ... ATM it's " Who cares .. We will just move to the next TDM Base map "
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  18. Taemien

    The issue is not the tool. But the user.

    Take away the tool and the user will simply craft another one. Who's to say someone simply won't use an API to track it? You could say remove it, but then I can't track what killed me when I was doing something. That's a tool I like to use to improve myself, so I'd get punished for not abusing anything.

    But even without an API. There's pen and paper. You can't stop that. And believe me, people will do it. That's how we kept such stats in the 80s (I learned from my Brother and Sisters who did it in the 70s). That's what the notes section was for in the back of manuals when they were still printed.

    You all seriously want to make a change? And I mean seriously make a change, instead of waiting for it to happen?

    Change the culture. We (as in NA, EU, and AU) live in a self centered society were the ceiling is expected to be brought down to the lowest common denominator. Change that so that personal effort is rewarded, and effort towards the team is even more rewarded. Basically personal accomplishment is applauded, and working with a team is celebrated.

    It can be done. The US Military already does it. They learned that from the generation before the boomers. The boomers and X'ers screwed the pooch and now the millennials don't know better.

    Changing a culture is hard, I'll grant that. But you can change the culture in PS2 at least. Start small and let it go from there. Basically don't worry about KDR or KDA. Worry about celebrating leadership and coordination. Put outfits who win alerts on the pedestal. Ostracize and belittle those players who cite kills as a measure of worth.

    One thing I've come to know about X'ers and Millennials is that they can't stand being outcast. Peer pressure will bring them in line. If they feel what they are doing isn't regarded as 'cool' or 'badass' they'll cease doing it. They'll conform, simply because they don't know anything else.

    But the best thing to do is stop asking devs to do menial or inconsequential things such as removing a simple tool. Let's do what the greatest generation did and simply just take personal responsibility and fix it ourselves.
  19. Devilllike

    i just want people to participate instead of been selfish :/ like a team not individual fighting..
  20. Taemien

    I 100% agree. But here's the problem... if they aren't participating now, they never will. Its not in their nature to. You want willing teammates, not selfish teammates who are forced to play like that.