[Suggestion] Remove C4 from Medic/LA, Increase Tank Cost to 600 Nanites

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dgross, Jun 4, 2015.

  1. Dgross

    Goal: More accurately define infantry roles and what they should be doing.
    This also promotes teamwork to take down hardened targets, as 5 out of 6 classes will no longer have the ability to take out MBT targets by themselves.

    3 out of 6 classes will retain the ability:
    - heavy (RPG, demo)
    - engineer (TOW, .50 cal, demo)
    - MAX (dedicated AT)

    This leaves the medic and LA class as light supporting roles. To lightly compensate the loss of C4, add extra speciality grenades to both classes:
    Medic - anti infantry and corpsman (+ extra revive grenade without using bandolier)
    LA - anti infantry and superior mobility (+ extra flashbang without using bandolier)

    Forces medics to stick with RPG, demo, and MAX units in a supporting role to take out armor.
    LA now specializes only in fast mobility capping and room clearing.


    Increase Nanite cost from 450 to 600 to offset reduced threat against the MBT.
    This increases the repull time from 3 min to 9 min.

    3x the wait time between MBT pulls from a maximum pool of 750 nanites reduces armor saturation and makes them less disposable.
    Also increase the xp reward for a MBT kill upwards by 200xp to compensate for the increased rarity of MBTs on the field.
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  2. Grumblefern

    Medic w/out C4 is too boring. I also don't see how medic is enough of a threat to tanks to even mention them.

    C4 isn't just anti-tank either, it kills MAXes and clumps of infantry. It compliments a "light supporting role" too.

    Also, LA w/C4 is fine. The vehicle gameplay is more damaged by Ravens, Lancers, AV turrets than it is C4. Granted, dedicated AV wraith flash w/C4 can get a little ridiculous (random death out of nowhere yay) but honestly the times get C4ed are usually when I'm being a infantry farming dirtbag and being overly aggressive near a base.

    This would actually be more of a nerf to MBTs than a buff IMO. They already are more limited in where you can spawn them and can get destroyed pretty quickly by so many other things than C4.
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  3. Plastikfrosch

    interesting, but the LA is the only class i would not take away the C4 from. Engy and HA already have enough AV potential and the engy already has the best AI grenades in this game so no need for C4 to get rid of big groups of infantry, Medics do have other jobs to do than hunting vehicles and even if i would love to use C4 with my stalker it would be op in the hands of infiltrators.
  4. Copasetic

    You can't balance things based on nanite costs when you've got memberships, boosts and continent locks all reducing the cost of things.
  5. gartho33

    umm... no... that's not how it would work... the "threat" to MBTs is more often other MBTs. this is simply a nerf to the functionalityof both infantry and vehicle gameplay. If your problem is with MBTs... wait for resource revamp part 2.
  6. Dalemir

    IMHO, C4 should be removed only from heavies (long range AV) and medics (revive/heal support). It fits quite well in engineer (demolition expert) and LA (surprise attacks) roles.
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  7. Dgross

    Medics with 2 C4 blocks are a threat the same as a heavy with 2 C4 blocks or an LA with 2 C4 blocks.
    2 blocks will kill the tank.
    If a heavy can run up to one and slap them, so can a medic.

    Yes C4 can kill infantry, but it's not a dedicated infantry weapon, just like you can kill infantry with the liberator 150mm dalton but it's not designed for it.
    Claymores, B Betties, nades, and small arms are designed for infantry.

    As far as MAX units go, AT mines and RPGS are designed for them.

    I actually agree with you here. Maybe buff the tank armor up a bit.
  8. Dgross

    The Nanite cost is just a small offset to limit the frequency tanks can be pulled. I wouldn't go any further then 9 min, so boosts and benefits shaving off time between 2 mins (current default) and 9 min would be workable.
  9. Dgross

    I disagree. You say nerf but I say it more accurately defines class roles.
    Right now if a tank is spotted every medic, LA, heavy, and engy is running for it to take it out. (and a MAX if its AT)

    A medic shouldn't be making a beeline for a tank as soon as its spotted. They should be supporting the classes actually designed to take on hard targets.
    And light assault, well just look at the title of the class. light assault. Not heavy armored battle tank assault.

    A light assault having jump jets gives it supreme mobility and a huge advantage in infantry combat over any other class.
    Adding a tank kill ability just doesn't fit with its class role.

    I would think tankers would be happy with these changes, as every LA and medic they see aren't constantly trying to kill them.
  10. CapperDeluxe

    LA would be useless then, so I can't get behind this. It would make more sense to strip the HA of the C4 since it already has a dedicated tool for blowing up vehicles, so then only LA and Engineer should have C4.

    Aside from that, it would be neat to get some kind of alternative deployable for the LA class as a choice instead of C4, like a portable jump pad :)
  11. Alchemist44

    I dont think that nanite costs should be increased/decreased per vehicle in general.
    What if a certain vehicle class had a base nanite cost and the cost increased in proportion to what kind of upgrades you are putting on it? For example a base MBT would cost lets say 300 certs. If you want to pull one with maxed stealth, maxed special ability the nanite cost would be 400? Same goes to sundys, esfs etc etc.

    Edit: I wouldnt mind the LA getting something else instead of C4 (even though its fun to use I admit :p ) and C4 on medics made no sense and I doubt it was even used much by medics, so no real harm done there.
  12. Dgross

    Saying LA is useless without C4 is saying its role is to kill hard targets, which I disagree with.
    It's role is mobility, fast attack, and anti infantry. It can flank targets with little difficulty.
    That's why I suggested adding more flashbang nades by default, to enhance its infantry skills.

    I do agree that it could use another special something, like maybe a portable teleport pad.
    The class is centered around the jump jets, and any special abilitities should enhance that trait and capitalize on it.
  13. gartho33

    Oh, don't get me wrong. I would love to see tanks become something that is feared... but of late.. they are only cert heavy targets, and MAX suits are about to receive the biggest nerf to date when the start setting off AV mines... But i don't see this change happening as it removes functionality from the game and places a huge restriction on a fairly squishy target...

    If the tank changes went though, I may have agreed with you... but right now... this only removes from the game without adding anything. And I, for one, don't think that this is the answer, a step maybe, but not one to be taken on its own without some form of counter balance. (Though I am entirely opposed to changing any Ninite costs until the resource revamp is complete.)
  14. Alchemist44

    If mobility and flankng is the general idea for the trait of being an LA, maybe make it so that movement/sprint speed is a little bit higher than for other classes, like if it had adrenaline pump installed by default and its built in. Just with the walk speed increased too, not just the sprint speed.
  15. BrbImAFK

    The biggest problem I've got with your idea is that you've applied an extremely narrow "role" to some classes, while ignoring really wide roles on others. To take the LA as an example, you've said that it's only role is mobility, fast attack and anti-infantry. That basically condenses down to "only infantry, only from funny angles". Why should LA be so limited?

    Currently, HA and MAX's (again, just for example) are currently pretty much a "kill all the things while being immune to everything" class. HA have shields, so they're more durable than any other infantry. They have LMG's, SMG's and shotguns, so they can have the best damage at anything short of long range (i.e. pretty much most base fights). They can carry med kits, so they can ignore medics and you can't even whittle their health down until they run out of them! They have rocket launchers that one-shot infantry (if you hit), can do tons of damage to MAX's, knock chunks off vehicles, and even swap out for AA. All they need is the ability to resupply their own ammo, and you'd never need another class, ever. How are you ignoring this, while complaining about medics and LA, of all things?!

    Engy can use C4. But largely defensively as, by and large, they lack the... wait for it... mobility to use it offensively. Ditto medics. Hell... half the time, Engies can make BETTER use of AT mines and sticky's/bullets. This idea is bad, and you should leave it alone.
  16. Ryo313

    LA should have even more c4 x'D
    also a cooldown on medkits would help alot and give ppl a reason to play medic.
    idk why medic is able to use c4 but i don't mind that one tho... i guess the OP is just a whiny little vehicle user that gets blown up alot by c3 fairies xP
  17. BrbImAFK

    It was an exaggeration. Sarcasm for emphasis. If you read the very next line, you'd see that I merely noted HA as being "more durable" than other classes. Also, they can heal. They can heal 95% of their heal up to four times before they need a medic! :p All in all, I think you completely missed the point of my post...

    This lot, however, I mostly agree with. I'd totally support a cooldown (say, 15s-20s?) on medkits, and I'd like more C4 on LA's - but it should cost a TON (like, 2,000?) of certs to avoid being totally OP.
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  18. Shiaari

    My problem with your suggestion is that in your calculus you've ignored what it means to carry C4. C4 requires a slot at the expense of other useful items. It may seem like a no-brainer for a Medic to carry C4 instead of medkits, but one of the unintended consequences of the Medic shield recharger is that said Medic can no longer heal themselves when equipping it. This forces the Medic to make a choice when using the shield recharger: medkit or C4.

    Heavies carrying C4 cannot carry medkits either, and that's a major sacrifice to make considering Heavies are the tip of the spear. The same thing goes for every other class that can carry C4. Too much class specialization is a detriment. We want players to make choices.
  19. Dgross