[Suggestion] Remove auto switch to primary weapon after deploying a ammo pack

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Remeus, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. Remeus

    The amount of times I end up shooting a friendly max because I deploy and ammo pack then switch to my repair tool only to have the auto-switch to primary weapon kick in moments later leading me to put several rounds in the friendly max unit's face is just down right rediculous. Please either remove this feature and make it so you must switch to a new weapon/tool manually or at least have it so the player pressing a hotkey for a weapon/tool overide the function. I'm sure several people who regularly play engineer have come across this effect also.
  2. Akaraut

    Oh i know this 'feature' well, both as an Engineer and as a Max. Lucky for me i haven't killed a friendly max yet because of this, i'm just glad they decide not to shoot back.

    Auto switch really needs to be overridden by manual input. Sadly there are more important fixes to other game features that need to come before this though.
  3. BadHabitz

    Need to add in a function like the Battlefield series where you press a button and an ammo pack shoots out instead of holding it and running around. You should be able to do both.

    If this is already the case and I don't know it... then please disregard.
  4. Xasapis

    For me it's a bug, tied to the "placement" of the ammo pouch.
    Basically what happens is this:
    • You switch to ammo pouch, you drop one down
    • Game switches back to main weapon
    • You switch to repair tool
    • Ammo pouch spawns, game switches you back to the main weapon
    • You shoot the max
    Basically developers need to disconnect the ammo pouch spawn from the main weapon switch. This switch happens twice, hence the annoying part.
    The pouch doesn't directly spawn because for some reason it does a proximity check for other deployables around it. For a week they changed the mines to work that way and was extremely annoying too.
  5. Remeus

    It's not, and engineer has no F function so no reason why it can't be bound to that. But the time it takes a pack is probably a balancing mechanic since it can't be placed directly on peoples feet, bodies, another pac, certain points like where rooms join and it denies you your weapon while you're trying to find a valid deployment, which can be hard with everyone darting around.

    One thing I did notice was that after the patch someone running over my deployment space no longer resets the timer and allows me to instantly try place again which is nice. I do appreciate that.