[Suggestion] Remove .75 ADS from the Orion and the SVA-88

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TrogdorNC, Mar 2, 2014.


    Orion does have recoil. And that isn't even an issue since its a CQC weapon. If you let it kick it will five you 2-3 free headshots.
  2. Posse

    Vertical recoil isn't an issue for any weapon in this game, it's ridiculously easy to control it (yes, even with the SAW)
  3. AdmiralArcher

    the irony is that if you know how to use the orion you wont be hipfireing anyways....not much of a downside if you dont do it.......
  4. Crackulous

    True, though SOE had seen this as an issue, and as you know, decreased the accuracy of LMGs. Now, aiming down sights is nearly mandatory.
  5. AdmiralArcher

    if you dont ADS with the CARV-S you might as well stand still and let the guy kill you
  6. Odin

    gg LIKEABOSS and MORTE showing more ignorance, I dunno when its gonna stop as its been going on for a year NC DO NOT DO MORE DAMAGE! In the case of lmg's we do not have a single weapon that can match the orions dps. Dps is the measure of rof and bullet damage. Nc pulls the trigger on our highest dps lmg and a vanu pulls the trigger on the orion. Guess what the nc loses every single time because we DO LESS DAMAGE! not more.
    Sorry but I am so tired of the typical poster who equates bullet damage to effective damage. TTK is all that matters and in every single case slow firing high bullet damage weapons do less damage then fast firing low damage per bullet weapons.

    K now go read and learn before spouting off k
  7. Imij

    That doesn't matter Possee. It's irrelevant. The only thing that matters is that both the Orion and SVA have a .75 ADS speed.
  8. iPlague


    Bad and stupid Dev balance decisions, another example would also by the Lynx and Jaguar.
    Now these 2 carbines are supposed to be the TR CQC Carbines, however they both have the worst averages according to DA. Not only in average DPS and HSR are the behind other carbines like the Serpent, VX6-7 or GD-7F. But in rate of fire too.

    I'm not saying Buff the Jag and Lynx completely, but rather balance it by at least rolling back it's nerfs till before PU02.

    the LMG hipfire nerf was a stealth buff to orion and SVA. those two LMGs can ADS with much less of a penalty, and now ADS is mandatory. hence they consistently outperformed other LMGs, and the hipfire nerf only widened the gap. it's a lot easier to ADS and ADAD spam when you're at .75 penalty than a full .5 penalty. entire outfits (FCRW) rely on this statistical advantage.
  10. faykid

    So, if you take away 0.75 penalty, what will be left for faction trait? No bullet derp? You must be high to think SVA and Orion are used at those distances where no bullet drop is noticed. Faster reload? That's one. But the other two have two clearly useful traits (large mag and ROF or damage for both TR and NC on their starter LMG). And don't tell me their traits are balanced by longer reload - because the only VS trait is balanced by mag size.
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  11. LIKE A BOSS!

    You can't convince some people. A lot of idiots think no bullet drop on SMGs and carbines is OP.
  12. Decian

    If you guys want to trade 1 less shot to kill for higher dps, lower ttk, and lower shot spread. DEAL. NC will happily give you the trade.
  13. vsae

    After auraxiuming both SVA and Orion I logged back to "my not so much anymore TR main" and used T9 Carv again. While it certainly has killing potential, the amount of horizontal recoil feels unnecesarily high.
    Meanwhile NC weaponry feels quite capable.
    All of the above is of course subjective
  14. HerpTheDerp

    You're kind of late OP, Orion was hit with the nerf stick last balance patch.
  15. Accuser

    All the LMGs got a hipfire nerf, which actually made the Orion/SVA-88 even better when compared to the LMGs of the other faction... since now everyone has to ADS with LMGs, but VS can move faster while doing so.
  16. HerpTheDerp

    All changes to Orion in PU2:
    - global LMG hipfire nerf
    - global .75x movement speed moving ADS CoF nerf
    - first shot recoil nerf
    - short reload nerf
    - long reload buff

    Personally I'd pick Anchor or MSW-R over the new Orion any day. The difference between .35 and .4 moving ADS CoF is huge(Orion is over 30% less accurate!) while the .75x movement speed is really very situational - if you are so close to hipfire, it doesn't matter at all; if you're close enough that you can hit the enemy reliably with 5-10 first bullets he(or you) is dead before he can move out of the way anyway; and at medium ranges the distance between the shooter and the target is so great that even if you ADADAD, you'll be in the cone of fire, and how fast you ADADAD doesn't matter.

    And don't forget that turning on your shield cuts your movement speed by half, effectively negating the .75x movement speed bonus.
  17. DevDevBooday

    I think OP is talking about Orion over performing rather than asymmetry
  18. John_Aitc

    I have died to both weapons more times than I care to admit. (probably because so many players know how good they are and equip it) I have a hard time agreeing with anyone's opinion that some faction trait should be nerfed or buffed. Weapons are so varied and must be matched with a complimentary play style that, even with the stats, they should rarely be the target of a nerf/buff. An example where a faction trait was taken too far was my Vulcan - Harasser. That is one that was obviously a problem.
  19. Eyeklops

    Pretty sure that is the point of "faction flavor". All is fine, nothing to see here.
  20. Gheeta

    I wish they would just slap the .75 movement modifier to all infantry weapons, that would fix most of the issues and actually improve the gunplay.
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