Remind me again why light ASSAULT gets the carbine while medic gets the ASSAULT rifle?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ujelly Trollicus, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. Ujelly Trollicus

    Light assault needs some help, Higby even said they do. You know what one simple change they could do that would improve the power of a light assault? Give them assault rifles! It makes no sense that medic gets this weapon type while the class that is going to often find themselves in odd places and perches that would benefit greatly from a medium-long range weapon is given the carbine, the shorter ranged weapon.

    Gives medics carbines so that both the support classes have the carbine, and give LA's the assault rifle.

    I can't even imagine how they came to the decision to make it the way it currently is, it makes zero sense. It'd be like if they introduced SMGs and gave them only to heavy assault.
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  2. Hael

    I don't even think the carbine is that bad. Maybe a little low on default ammo count, but when you're shooting someone in the back from a rooftop, I'm not exactly worried about relative TTK. They're going to die.
  3. Baby

    Me and my almost fully upgraded Gauss Compact S love being on rooftops shooting people in the head. Carbines are awesome ok.

    Who needs an assault rifle when I have a grenade launcher, high velocity ammo, laser sight for pin-point accuracy, and the ability to camp out of reach places?
  4. Bulwarklion

    No thanks. I consider the LA to be the CQC class, not the "jet pack onto a tree" class. Its strength is its extreme mobility in tight (= massive flanking-and-jetting-away potential) environments as well as its ability to scale structures vertically.
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  5. McKnighter

    Let my medic keep his assault rifle. :( We need to be everywhere, an all purpose weapon is great to suit my play style. If I'm limited with a carbine, that forces me to close in for effective distance, putting me at greator risk if I want a kill. I try to keep my distance and help out those in the firing lines, or apply surpressive fire for movement.

    Go ahead and give them to LA. Heck, even Engineer too!
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    If you're using a carbine on LA, you're doing it wrong.
  7. r.Tek

    The Light Assault has a Carbine because the class was meant to specialize in CQC engagements, not medium to long range! What is so hard to understand about this?
  8. MobileAssaultDuck

    The NC carbine is arguably superior to the AR.

    Especially the second carbine, the AX-11 or something similar.

    Not to mention that your whole "Light ASSAULT should get ASSAULT rifles" line of reasoning is faulty.

    Assault Rifles are only called Assault Rifles because it is the translation of the German word for Assault Rifle, Sturmgewehr (In this case the word sturm(storm) means "to storm", hence assault).

    The first AR was literally just called "STG44", or "Sturmgewehr 1944", or "Storm Rifle 1944". We just tend to use the word storm differently in English so we replaced it with Assault.

    So the fact the Light Assault is called an Assault class has no connection to an AR being called an Assault Rifle.
  9. MartianDiscoFish

    I'd be ok with carbines if they had some stocks on them, they look so damn ugly.
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  10. Cysquatch

    Light Assault is meant to be just that, light. Their strength lies in their unparalleled mobility so it both makes sense that they would have light weight kits and keeps the classes balanced. Heavys and medics are the meat-and-potatoes of the infantry. LAs are for flanking and ambushing thus they generally excel at CQB though they are no slouches at mid range either.

    Besides, the class absolutely destroys as it is. The carbines have all proven to be more than capable in my experience and the jetpack is godly.
  11. Thelionheart

    I was thinking of maybe adding in a stock cert slot. Put one on that reduces COF but increases reload time, or another stock that reduces reload time and weapon switch time, but increases hip fire COF.
  12. Xae

    LA should have access to Battle Rifles.
  13. Baby

    Sounds like you're the one doing it wrong to me because LA is meant to be the front line of the battle and carbines are front line weapons. There's no place LA can't reach and no fight LA can't get to. Carbines are our weapon.

    Engis get them for a similar reason. They have turrets for long range, up close engagements they pull out their carbine.
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  14. Ujelly Trollicus

    but they aren't. maxes technically are, and after them HA are.
  15. Sikab

    If you plan on using an Assault Rifle on your LA... well you are playing your class wrong.

    against HA: Either Shotgun him down with 2 bullets, or use your mobility while hipfiring. You get him in to time.

    MAX: Jetpack on him, plant C4, jetpack up. Hit trigger. watch MAX go BOOM.
  16. Ujelly Trollicus

    fascinating...and what happens if either of those, oh i don't know....fights back?

    it's easy to write down how you would handle the situation, but it doesn't change the fact that both of those classes are superior in close quarters.
  17. Sikab

    If you know how to play LA, they won't get the chance on fighting back. Think of LA as an Assassin... Your job is to get behind enemy lines, alone, and take out their defenses.

    Thanks to your jetpack your route is technically unpredictable.

    And i'm saying this from personal experience :) I'm playing LA. It is one of the deadliest classes in game.
  18. Bulwarklion

    Face to face, yes. Flanked (actually making use of the one thing that makes the LA class special), an HA takes a face dive. You have to hit-and-run on maxes, like with any other class, though this is much easier with an LA. (Maxes aren't a "class." They're more like a vehicle that happens to be categorized with the classes.)
  19. PoopMaster

    Nah, carbines are actually good if you can aim with them, especially NC ones.
  20. Rec0n412

    Because people are worried that giving the light assault a gun with a ttk of 0.6 seconds as opposed to a gun with a ttk of 0.7 seconds will break the game.