Remapping Engineer special key

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MurgNC, Oct 28, 2018.

  1. Ziggurat8

    See the last sentence of my first post. Perfect application.

    You're correct. Skill is a sum of all parts for playing the game. Muscle memory, or reflex, or whatever you want to call it is the aspect that controls how most twitch based encounters are won or lost. The guys that practices the most tend to win because their reflex is much better developed, or they have better neural kinetics in general as in faster response times to stimulus. Either way you rely on that reflex to save your *** in high stress quick response situations.

    Can you relearn or retrain to engineer. Sure. I play all the classes pretty evenly and I play pretty well. Even still, I toss ammo sometimes when I have one of those totally oh **** there's a guy there moments on my engineer. It's a reflex that 2000+ hours has cemented in place. It's really hard to not to react like that and then I'm kicking myself for doing it KNOWING it was just gonna toss ammo.
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  2. That_One_Kane_Guy

    If you're an Olympic-level volleyball player, you have the ability to instinctively hit the ball in midair without thinking about the complicated nuances of positioning, how hard to hit it, aiming, etc. because you have developed the muscle memory to do that. But if you're at a party and one of your mates tosses you a beer, you don't power spike it back into their face. This is because muscle memory isn't a Pavlov's Dog blind response. You can do an action without thinking about it, but that doesn't mean you act without thinking.

    If skill was as simple as you're suggesting the bar would be a lot lower.
    Except you're the one choosing to sit at the instrument. If you're a pianist and you choose to sit down at a glockenspiel, you're hopefully going to adjust your playing appropriately.
    Buttons should be re-mappable, yes. But bear in mind that adding separate coding for buttons on one class and one class only may be more difficult than you realize in your armchair. With such a small team working on the game and doubtlessly occupied with other more pressing issues, this is not likely to be a major blip on the radar.
  3. VhynSeven

    Yeah right.

    So you are basically asking a whole class and everyone who plays it to find a new key if they want to use their ability, just beause you went too hard on your muscle reflexe training and can't adapt anymore to a different playstyle. Definitely not being an ***hole...
  4. Ziggurat8

    Uh. Wtf? The OP said you should be able to reassign it independently.

    But you jumped to the conclusion that he was asking for the button to be reassigned for everyone. Then told him to play with a pencil.


    Nope. Not an *******. Lmao.
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  5. Ziggurat8

    Sure. If you see it coming. Know it's your buddy softballing a beer to you.

    If however the same guy is talking to a friend, and someone tosses a ball at him from behind, he turns just in time to see it coming for him, he very well might spike it back. I'm talking about straight up reflex action. Like a deer jumps in front of you. You don't think. Gee I better hit the brakes, foot, move to brake, foot hit brakes." Reflex takes over and you do it faster than you have time to consciously process it. So you do it the way your body knows how.
  6. VhynSeven

    Well, while in game, press Escape, then click on Settings in the bottom-right corner, then Key Binding, Infantry, look for Use Ability, and rebind it.

    btw, I never told him to play with a pencil.
  7. Ziggurat8

    No you didnt. That was Trigga. Sorry.

    Other than "Don't spend developer time on this" I see 0 reason not to support it. It's a QOL change that would be pretty cool. Basically the concept is allow button mapping that is unique to each class.
  8. FateJH

    That's just lacking in self control. I'm not defending the martial artist who, despite being superbly skilled in his art, broke a random person's arm because that guy just happened to make a gesture the martial artist didn't try to read as a handshake before acting.
    It's more like, "BRAKES!," and some lower level context fills in the details of how to get from A to B. All the same, "I had to make the executive decision that hitting the brakes was what I wanted to do. Even I've had deer jump in front of me before. One time I broke because I misjudged the rate at which I could decelerate; that failure's on me. Another time I decided I had enough room to swirvel to the side not only to avoid crashing the car but to avoid killing the deer. If I had just hit the brakes without thinking that time, I would have killed yet another deer by accident. (We managed to get back to car examples.) Muscle memory without control lacks the ability to judge if the choice will lead to a positive outcome.

    On the other hand, if you're talking about not having an internal narration regarding what your muscles are going to do from moment to moment, that's just being normal. It's the internal processes, I aforementioned; however, they still need your choices. Despite having learned how to type words without looking at the keyboard so long as as I can determine where "home" is, I still have to audit the words to be what I intend to express. If I don't, what I write doesn't make sense. Despite having learned how to walk without telling my legs how to alternate, I still have to choose where to go and how to get there. If I don't, I trip over things.

    Muscle memory is fine until you start doing the wrong things.
  9. Ziggurat8 Cool article about muscle memory, or as they refer to it, skill memory. It's way more complicated than you seem to think it is. But I'm pretty sure you're just talking out your *** at this point anyway.
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  10. FateJH

    I could have waved around a hyperlink from the first page of a Google Search too and look smart but I had believed I would be insulting your intelligence and avoided doing it for that reason.
  11. Ziggurat8

    Or you could have read said article and realized you weren't quite on point with what you were talking about to begin with. Learned response isnt as simple to overcome as "don't do it that way until they implement button mapping for classes as a feature" (I'm paraphrasing) But yeah. Keep on keeping on.
  12. FateJH

    I did read the article. Not that I've ever read this particular article or have the absolute specifics on the nerual operations involved but it doesn't involve anything I haven't read about somewhere else.

    I also just said that "first page Google Search" thing without thinking. Sorry for sounding demeaning.
    People manage to change their behavior and overcome bad habits all the time through effort.
  13. RubeLott

    The thing is that pressing F as soon as possible as a CM or Heavy is not a bad habit, but the right thing to do. Due to ping you have literally just a fraction of a second to react to an ambush. And this is the worst for the players that play the game right, switching the classes a lot. It does not punish the guy who plays only Heavy never switching, but the guy who switched to engineer to repair that sundy you need to keep the fight.
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  14. Rydenan

    I hate to stat-shame, but if I had to guess, the people decrying muscle memory here are probably not very good in firefights.
  15. Rydenan

    Now imagine if your pedals had been rearranged just prior to these incidents. :eek:
  16. Sazukata

    I personally don't have much of an issue with pressing F in the wrong class. I guess I'm good at putting myself in the correct mindset at the terminal/spawn screen.

    Don't see any reason to be against class-specific bindings, though. No "git gud"s from me.