Reloading should cancel aim-down-sights mode

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kite Carling, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. Kite Carling

    Just a small point, but I like to use the toggle mode for aiming down the sights rather than continually holding down the right mouse button. If you reload while in ADS mode then the moment you finish reloading the game automatically puts you into ADS made again.

    This is very annoying.
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  2. ThePackage

    +1, Yes....yes it should, sprinting as every other FPS game.
  3. SasoDuck

    I've been asking for that since the Beta. It's really annoying when you're scoped, then reload, but then try to run away, and you scope in again when you're done and stop dead in your sprint. Gets me killed a lot.

    Until they fix it, you can click RightMouse while you're reloading and you won't re-scope when you're done.
  4. Bosjem

    I agree that's annoying and i'd like to have an option to choose the behaviour. But this isn't the most important thing that devs need to fix in the game :cool: I hope that before the end of beta they'll fix this too... oh wait...
  5. Napkin

    yes this has killed me many times. Scoped, reload... start sprinting for cover....

    Hey bro.. i see you sprinting for cover... ZOOM

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  6. FoolArcana

    Agreed. Please please please fix this and make sprinting cancel ADS too. I find the gun play in PS2 really clunky. Not to mention those insanely random terrain pebbles that make you flail your arms around like you're having an epileptic fit.
  7. Freyar

    Needs to have some tweaks on action priorities.
  8. SasoDuck

    Exactly what happens to me.

    Those kill me a lot too, trying to shoot people while on the move. Also, the biggest killer there, is trying to exit out of the spawn room at-- for example-- Crossroads Watchtower. You go up the lift, and try to shoot the enemies camping the top, but they get pinpoint accuracy because they're standing still while you have to do worse than spray-and-pray because of this glitch or effect, whatever you want to call it. When you launch up the gravity lift, you're gun goes haywire when scoped and you can't shoot. Same thing with the pebbles, like you said.

    So yeah, going to keep bumping this thread until you guys at SOE do something about it. In a good way, great game and all, but I think this is an issue that is common enough to warrant major consideration, and affects me the most in-game.
  9. Kite Carling

    Okay, that may help if I can remember to do it. Thanks.

    This must make for an easy fix though. Is there any list of commonly suggested features here?
  10. SasoDuck

    It works, but sometimes I forget if I did it or not, so I'll accidentally click it twice or not at all, resulting in it re-scoping anyway because I clicked it again. Or it will just slip my mind. Was playing Crysis 1 a few weeks ago after having to deal with this issue in the PS2 Beta and was relieved by how much better not re-scoping was.