[Suggestion] Reload speed, Recoil Implants

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GImofoJoe, Aug 30, 2020.

  1. GImofoJoe

    How about some Reload Speed Implant for LMG users or recoil reduction implants for people who can't aim.

    Reload speed implant can be different for each weapon classes, for example LMG will get more % while SMG will get much less % since it's already fast.

    As for recoil reduction, people with lower head shot ratio will benefit more with this implants than people with high.
    I think this should narrow the gap for new players and veterans so less newbies rage quitting before they even begin.

    But... the difference should be very minor...I don't want too much hand holding for newbies.
  2. InexoraVC

    Seriously ?
    Yeah, I need NoRecoil on my NC Gauss SAW to make PS2 "press F to win" game. Saltyvets are happy and many newbies will suffer hard and long.