Release a Hotfix now that adds defense xp or ANYTHING..

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jourmand1r, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. Jourmand1r

    that will stop the current faction spreading across continents.

    Currently on the server i'm on, each continent has a faction with 60 percent population on that continent.

    This is sad for people who expected more from planetside than standing around in empty bases waiting for caps.
  2. guitarxe

    FFS The tiny amount of xp you get for attacking and taking a zone has nothing to do with incentivizing players to attack/defend. When I'm in a territory that's taken by my faction I get, I think, 1250xp (with membership, and that's for tech plants and other big zones. The small ones are like 350 each). You know how much that is? That is 10 kills worth. 10 kills. That's 10 kills that I could do in just a few minutes of fighting. It's NOTHING. If you want to give me that much xp to defend it will NOT be a good enough reward.

    There is a deeper flaw in territory control and that is that all of this, all the fighting, it all amounts to nothing. You gain nothing and you lose nothing when you take or lose territory, and throwing more xp at it is not going to fix the problem. Many other good suggestions had already been made to improve this, from player-owned territories for outfits to a re-worked resource gain system that would actually matter for a faction to hold territories if they intend to spawn any kind of vehicles or MAX.
  3. Kenny007

    I'm pretty sure they've mentioned there is in fact defense XP (bonus XP for actions conducted during the defense of an objective rather than a dump of XP upon successfully defending against a given attack (like in the beta)), but that they need to do a better job of reflecting that defensive bonus.
  4. iGamer1990

    you get more xp when defending
  5. MrBloodworth

    Great news!

    They released a hotfix recently that added Defense XP. They called this Hotfix, the "launch client".
  6. Cute-CandyPants

    i totaly agree,having succesfully defended an area should give exp also. for example

    capturing the base would give 1000 exp
    defending the base 500 exp

    something like half the amount you would gett from capturing the base.
  7. Gavyne

    ^ +1, people should look at the exp carefully. When you kill people while defending, you get more exp than those attacking. But you know what? Even if you add more defensive bonus, it won't matter, people are still going to take empty bases because some people are just lame like that. They want easy exp without fighting, some of them are frankly not that good at fighting in a FPS game. And even though it's slower exp than if the zergs would go head on at places like tech plant & bio labs, they still do it just because it's easy and they wouldn't have to fight.

    Don't think for one second those that take empty bases, especially Outfits that purposely avoid combat, are doing so because the exp is good. It's simply easy and cheese, that's all there is to it. They aren't the type that'll stick around to fight, be it defending bases or helping their faction attack something with defenders in them.
    • Up x 1

    The XP bonus is the massive number of kills you get while defending against mindless waves of foot troops from the opposing faction...

    You don't need an additional bonus to defending. Sorry. Set up camp and have a field day.
  9. Quovatis

    You currently get a defense bonus, but you have to kill more than 66 guys during the fight to break even with an attacker that is successful.