Regeneration Fields:with this player win exp?why dissapear each time that change the class?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Navoletti, May 22, 2014.

  1. Navoletti

    well each tool have point of exp....example medic tool,enginner tool,infiltrator tool, question is this happen with the new Regeneration Fields?

    and why the regeneration fields dissapear each time that you change the class?

    example i plant a regeneration shield and after i need change for other class but in this momento of change my regeneration shield dissapear......this is a bug?i check this with tolos of infiltrator,explosives and not dissapear but this regeneration shield dissapear each tiene that change the class...and other disvantage is not win exp or is bugged?
  2. Tommyp2006

    Ummm... The infil darts will stay, because you fire them as weapons, but the motion sensor, which is a deployable tool, does not. Just like engineer turrets disappear if you switch class. Anything that is a ground deployable disappears when you switch classes, but any droppables, like mines, do not.
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  3. Krayus_Korianis

    Infiltrator motion darts don't stay when you switch classes... Only mines and claymores (The VS and NC equivalents) (not C-4 (unsure about that), do.
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  4. Navoletti

    and player win exp in the momento that other players use this regenerator fields?
  5. Valok

    Yes. I've been using the shield all day today and I honestly got a lot of XP with it. Drop it at choke points/nests, specially when there's a medium/long range fight and watch it as the certs go up.

    I found it to be a amazing tool when it comes to help win a attrition firefight.
  6. Navoletti


    i buy level 4 but not understood the use...this protect my charácter of damage?other player appear and kill my charácter inside of regenerator field.
  7. Valok

    The shield does not block damage, it only helps regenerate your shield.
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  8. Booface

    Infiltrator darts disappear when you change classes. Anti-tank and anti-personnel mines do not disappear, and neither does C-4 (though it does disappear if you die).
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  9. Navoletti

    but with regeneration fields win exp?i check and not win xp.

    is a bug?
  10. Bankrotas

    C4 stays. Until you die and deploy instead of being rezzed that is.
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  11. Krayus_Korianis

    Yea, I know. At the time I wasn't sure. As what I posted. Was pretty sure it stayed until you died and respawned, so I put that up instead.
  12. Navoletti

    please respond player win exp each time to deploy a regeneration fields and othe rplayers uses this tool?
  13. doombro

    You should be getting points if it repairs friendly shields that were damaged by enemies. If they just stand inside the bubble, you'll get nothing.
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  14. Navoletti

    and what appear in the screen "repair exp" or "only exp",what strategy need for win exp,i unlock the máximum level but never win exp,and the players use my regeneration fields...i confuse.