Regarding the new and improved MCG

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cyanstorm, Apr 18, 2014.

  1. Cyanstorm

    Its OP, no doubt about it.

    I am a CQC guy, every FPS I have played going back to Beta CS, Battlefield 1-4, PS1, etc I very much prefer to engage and kill my prey up close and personal, I am at my best at 25m or less, its just the way I play. Saying that I decided to take the MCG for a spin since I havent played with it for a few months and wanted to see what the fuss is all about, here is what I found:

    1) It is absolutely deadly at 15m or less; with some fire discipline it can decimate shotgunners with ease, its even great for 1v1 encounters now, something that it was never good for before; I killed a few elite players 1v1 with such an ease that left me shocked.

    2) You can ADS AND actually kill while doing it now...enuff said.

    3) Everyone and their TR mother is carrying one now, flavor of the month indeed.

    4) It will get nerfed, what I dont understand are the comments some folks are making on the forums; that it was actually nerfed instead of buffed, have they even tried this improved monster yet? lol :D

    I will stick to my T32 (thanks for the buff btw SOE) but I will definitely be tempted to pull out that monster for those occasions when the VS zerg is rolling over everything on Matherson (which is actually almost always) .
  2. Titan6

    It's not OP. It's just extremely strong in it's element. Take it out of CQC and what do you have? Jack.

    It's just like the JackHammer. Useless at distance.
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  3. DevDevBooday

    How is it OP?
    Its just a TRV with no attachments or proper ADS.

    Plus of course everyone is using it, its NEW.
    Wait a month, if its still being used alot THEN its op.
  4. Stargazer86

    Yeah, no.
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  5. Kulantan

    Its a TRV with 100 rounds and a fixed COF.
  6. Paragon Exile

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  7. Cyanstorm

    Haha ok, didn't I say I was going to use it to **** the VS noob zerg-masses? :D so don't be ********, you might get lucky yet Paragon!
  8. DevDevBooday

    Its fixed cone of fire is 3x worse than the CoF of the TRV.

    I can kill a guy with 6 rounds with my TRV at 10 metres, I have to spray about 25 with the MCG to do the same thing.
    Plus its reload is twice as long.

    The new MCG can fire for 6 seconds
    its reload is 5 seconds.
    you spend half the game reloading the damn thing,

    Its not OP at all.
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  9. Cyanstorm

    With the improved MCG in 6 seconds you can , *and* with fire discipline, good aim, and a lil bit of luck/good positioning clear a room full of nooblets and/or slaughter a couple of elite killers, I am hardcore TR but I call it as I see it. This thing, on the hands of a good player, can raze anything or everything to the ground.
  10. Flashtirade

    But honestly unless they're all standing in a line right in front of your gun and not shooting back, that is some extreme hyperbole. Sure the MCG is good now, but it's certainly not OP.
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  11. Cyanstorm

    Goddam, ok then its not OP, I will definitely not go against the current! so yeah lemme keep playing with it, I am sure I can find a few kinks somewhere.... ;P
  12. gigastar

    Ok, so TR and NC have CQC monsters, VS have a LMG with splash damage that is failing to outperform even the worst LMGs.

    Or "balanced" according to the majority of Forumside.
  13. QuakerOatsMan

    I don't quite get the point of this thread. Are you trying to say that the MCG is "too good?" Are you asking for your own empire's weapon to be nerfed? Is this another pseudo-PSA, except thankfully without the [PSA] tag?
  14. Sagabyte

    The mcg is quite balanced, but the overclocking module tears poor soldiers apart like cookies.
  15. Kunavi

    So because I can clear a room of NOOBS with : Good aim, less than 15M distance, ADS, discipline, skills, positional advantage and LUCK, and because people actually USE it now, the weapon is OP and there are people wanting it NERFED? And that's WITH the BRRT, stock MCG or with Laser or Extended Mags don't cut it. Not worth it at all if you don't slap that on.

    You know what I see in front of me after letting it rip? A lot of people who, before getting gloriously wiped, jumped in the room like HEADLESS CHICKENS, ADADADAing, Bunny-Hopping and firing randomly once they saw the first of them drop. What's next, "NARFH LECKDAOWN PLOX ERHGMAGERHD BULLETS"!?

    L2P. Or if you're not on the receiving end as you claim, use your T32 since you find it superior from what I understood the way you put it(Why are you QQing then?).

    As for the Lasher it does what it's supposed to do, if you can't play its advantages and want to definitely KILL, go play NC and use JackHammer in Bios.

    Edit : Fun fact, I managed to kill a MAX while in Lock-Down in my MAX. Here's how to do it, and possibly the only way;
    - Check Map, see cluster of enemies
    - Find the choke point, set up where you're not visible(Camp)
    - Wait until a Noob with ZOE comes in, activates ZOE in front of you and sits there trading bullets.

    That is the only way I've ever killed with this. NERF!
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  16. Kunavi

    Can you guess how I died and how long this lasted? As long as it took me to kill that fool MAX. Right after I got killed by C4 but I had accepted it would happen. Lock-Down is Kamikaze. You WILL be killed, too soon, too suddenly. You won't see it coming. -0.5" to use it, WOW SUCH BUFF! AMAZE!
  17. PlatoonLeaderG

    never use lockdown on close range and especially against infantry.
    Lockdown is good for AV and AA duties,for me its for AV so much satisfaction bringing the terror with lockdown pounder max :D
  18. Robertooooo

    The lasher isn't supposed to outperform the lmg's in killing. It's a pure supression weapon and it's damn good at it to.
  19. Rift23

    Duh, it's new. So go buy one before they nerf it.
  20. TheFamilyGhost

    OP, UP, guys cry so much. I am disapointed and embarrassed by this community.

    We had a chance to step up and be players. To talk about tactics, countermeasures, technique and teamwork. Instead, we chose to see who can cry the most. Where does it come from? Where have all the players gone?