Red Dot Scopes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SynaptixBrainstorm, Aug 25, 2014.

  1. SynaptixBrainstorm

    Hello SOE.

    Can we expect a fix for red dot scopes this week?

    I know i know....i know.....

    There is alot of stuff that needs more attention than some scopes. The login servers for example.

    But really i wanna use my HDS scope again. Its practically useless with the dark dot. Also other red dot scopes are bad atm as well..

    Im hoping for a fix this or next week.

    Would be highly appreciated.
    • Up x 1
  2. patrykK1028

    it's SOE man, expect it in next year
  3. MangoPunch

    The red dot/crosshair revamp probably won't be coming this patch, most likely next one though.
  4. Captain Kid

    Crosshair sticker on screen..
  5. SynaptixBrainstorm

    Lets hope so
  6. KenDelta

    NV masterrace.
  7. SynaptixBrainstorm

    Yes thats a good scope and i would use it alot.
    But...:rolleyes:....its useless on medium settings and at least not absolutely useless on low graphics.
    If i could play on high then fine.
    BUT im a longrange hunter and did that just fine with my HDS 3.4x scope which i cant use anymore.
  8. Bankrotas

    I do hope you get nerfed to hell. That thing is too good.