Recursion outfit

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PlanetBound, Jan 27, 2019.

  1. PlanetBound

    Those recursion players are amazing good. Two of them held off 24+ NC for quite a while. They don't seem to waste ammo either. If 3 bullets is needed, that's all that gets used. Even their movement is highly controlled; robotic almost.
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  2. HippoCryties

    Love playing against these guys it’s super fun. It really helps you to improve your aiming game. Although I’ve found some are really good infantry players whilst others are just kinda average which is weird
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  3. FateJH

    The original Recursion on Connery was pretty much the glue holding together the whole server's New Conglomerate map-wise back in the day. The rest of the blues were pretty much worthless. Yes, they were noteworthy small outfits but you would typically only encounter them in pairs or triples as "oh, look, it's a player from foo." Nothing on the level of the core Recursion ...
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  4. Rydenan

    One of my best moments in PS2 was when I killed six Recursion players in a row in a small fight.
    Man, did I feel accomplished in that moment.
  5. Who Garou

    I know, right.
    Its almost like they can see through walls and that aim-bot like accuracy is truly something.
  6. Talthos

    I dread moments where Recursion drops into a fight I'm at, assuming that they're not playing on the same faction as me at the time (they have alts on TR and VS, from what I've heard).

    The moment I start seeing them, I'm like "Oh god, please no, my body is not ready..."
  7. ObiVanuKenobi

    Surprised it took so long for a hackusation without proof to come up.
  8. Towie

    I don't play on Emerald however Recursion seems to be a small but elite outfit:

    I do play on Cobalt and from what people are saying about Recursion, i'd suggest this sounds just like Hydra:

    A considerable chunk of Hydra even joined on the same day suggesting they are a bunch of friends / like-minded individuals.

    Seems that both outfits have the same level of notoriety !
  9. strikearrow

    I've been in a recursion pug platoon and they talked about getting new lag switches like it didn't mean anything....
  10. CptLegshot

    Do you know what a joke is?
  11. HippoCryties

    Nah I’d say they are waves above hydra in skill.. no offence to them. These are all mostly top tier players like Kade.... that guy reks me every damn time
  12. Towie

    The mistake would be to assume that he achieves this without some sort of 'assistance'. I've checked his stats - his k/d on the Merc has a delta of 13.459 vs the norm (in terms of standard deviation). If anyone cares to statistically challenge whether this is probable - i'm willing to take that challenge. In order to calculate the odds, you'll have to extend the right side of your monitor by a very very long way.
  13. strikearrow

    They didn't sound like they were joking - discussing when the would be available etc...
  14. HippoCryties

    Nah they don’t hack and they are killable they are just really good xD
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  15. Corporate Thug

    They're not impossible to kill, and I've never really encountered an Recursion player that I just couldn't kill, eventually. It all depends on how much time you're willing to sink into this game. Some practice, or even make it a point to get headshots, while others are just casual and feel as if people play on superhuman levels because we tend to associate our gaming habits with other peoples.

    Usually if you ask a "good" player about a kill, or just converse with them they'll tell you what you did wrong, or what they were doing right to get the kill, or just give you some pointers... Once there was this guy on Connery that just kept dying to me and he didn't understand why, mind you I've played this game since launch, and he only started playing in 2017, but he finally decided to chat with me and mentioned how he couldn't kill me so I told him that he doesn't land many head shots, if any. Months later I encountered that same person and he ended up killing me and sent me a tell saying thank you, and that he had been practicing his headshots and how it improved his infantryside substantially.

    If you keep dying to someone and think it's a lost cause then talk to them, most aren't ***** and will gladly have a decent convo with you.

    Also, don't underestimate momentum... If you are easy capping and playing at a casual pace, when you encounter players who have just fought hard fights, and outpopped, you'd be surprised at how much momentum carries over.
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  16. strikearrow

    This is a good discussion about hackers by hackers (i.e. cheaters). In sum it basically concludes that every PvP game has been hacked, that hackers do so because they have been hurt in real life and probably lack real life skills, and that game companies cannot completely lock-out hackers because they will be hacked themselves and the game shutdown.

    In essence, life is not fair and cheating is one way people deal with unfairness regardless how cheating effects anybody.