Recurring theme.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ComradeHavoc, Dec 3, 2014.

  1. ComradeHavoc

    Content updates seem to be the only thing that drives me to come back to planetside 2, as well as arguably 2/3rds of the dormant playerbase. The game is getting old admittedly and everything is being bet on the PS4 release, which in itself is a discussion. The only thing that seems to bring a spark back is content, such as the upcoming deployable turrets which will probably get me to update the game and play for a few days.

    I'm hoping the PS4 release will bring in plenty of revenue for the further development of Planetside 2, will all these promised and dreamed about features, but often seems the devs are on a choke collar to the marketing team. We are seeing more and more cosmetics instead of actual content. It's understandable that a game needs funding to run, to maintain the servers, and to keep people fed. The membership doesn't really offer much, it's a time saver at best which can be detrimental to the game as players unlock everything there is to unlock.

    So here's a message, to anyone that will read. Content will bring in players, content will make our wallets suckle to cash items, especially cosmetics for new content. One of my conspiracies on the reason that maps haven't been created on mass is due to a smaller player base to fill the void. Anyway you guys should really open up player studio to every aspect of the game, let players create and develope the game for you guys for free, and act as sheep herders, fixing the content where it belongs. There are talks of these amazing complete overhauls which will never occurs for lack of will, manpower, and legal/marketing bureaucracy.

    I guess I don't really have a message, this is more like a rant, but I get depressed when I see one of my favorite games fall into that grey void. Not dead but sort of a zombie who gets a spark every few months at a time.
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  2. BlueSkies

    its en masse... but anyway. Continents take a tremendous amount of work to do. Its not just randomly lowering and raising some terrain and plopping some bases down. They have to considers infantry approaches and defenses, vehicle approaches and defenses, how battles between 2 or more bases will play out.

    If you stop and pay attention to the map when you're fighting you'll realize a lot of thought has gone into the design.
  3. MasonSTL

    Same, I spend most of my time on the sudreddit or on the PTS looking out for new stuff