Recruting for outfits in orders

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Xero1029, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. Xero1029

    I have been to 3 different servers 1 as my primary and 2 other servers as just experiments to view what their feelings were.. and i find mixed feelings for how all people are about on this.

    but my question (for a admin//GM prefered community discussion is welcome but need a higher up for my final answer) is it ALLOWED to recruit for your outfit in orders chat.. going to type 2 versions of how my group discussed doing it if it is/was

    a) ___ is looking for more members who like to do ___ and want to ___ pm me for a invite

    b) it is suggested you join __ if you like to work together and get stuff done PM me for an invite

    now A looks more like a chat message in the ORDERS chat.. but B does look like a suggested order..

    personal oppinions welcome here but keep it forums rules clean and such but my true goal is to find a GM/MODERATOR/ADMIN to solve this general in game rules question.
  2. DJPenguin

    I'd keep recruitment to warpgate /yell spam and forums. It's not what /orders chat is for. In PS1 people who used commander chat for the wrong reasons found themselves /ignored by a good deal of people, and people who generally used it for what it was intended for shied away from using it at all because command chat evolved into a cesspool.
  3. Xero1029

    yeah i definetly understand the anti spam//trolls purpose of it but honestly my server DOES NOT USE IT and when we post people get mad.. i dont wanna make people mad but i do want to organize out outfits size to its maximum potential
  4. Opticalsnare

    I use it to give Intel on where the enemy zerg parties are heading or request Air Support.

    It was good one time that a NC zerg party was heading for a Bio-Lab and as i sat on a hill overlooking this mass horde of rambling maniacs, i sent out a Intel Warning / Reinforcements that a large NC Force was about to assault the Bio-Lab, 2mins later about a 5000 TR show up on the Bio-Lab in Aircraft and everything else and a huge battle took place where we defended the Bio-Lab and pushed the NC back some. Then i got told to stop spamming the channel..
  5. Xero1029

    yeah i get its ORDERS chat and its more useful to organize offensives.. but its also IMO useful to organize new players and un-outfited members into outfits some frown on it and i do understand their views and hence i want a final ruleing on the official rules so i know if i honestly need to stop or its ok
  6. bPostal

    Abuse of Orders/Command chat just makes it that much easier to identify (and ignore) ****** leaders.
  7. Xero1029

    again i welcome personal opinions here and i do agree with you ABUSE is frowned apon but untill a GM sits here and says in this topic either a link to the rules related to orders chat or can quote a rule book i cant find about orders chat i see nothing wrong with it to each their own with the ignore option i guess but to harass people in orders chat for recruting IF it is legal just makes the harasser look like the _ _ _ _ _ _ leaders you say
  8. Ganelon

    Eh, I rarely use it. Only to direct uninformed players to points that are being taken from us when we're about to cap a continent.
  9. bPostal

    I'm not sure there are any rules or regulations regarding the use of orders chat but really it should be self explanatory. Orders chat is for Orders. If one is not passing orders out then one is not correctly using orders chat. If one is not correctly using orders chat then one will probably be ignored and mocked by most everyone else on the server.
  10. Meiu

    If they are recruiting in orders it is because they are an unskilled Zerg outfit. Just /report who is doing it and rig all their outfits sundies with C4 on the rear so when one tank hits it, it will explode.
  11. Yarma

    The Orders channel is for orders not recruiting. The region chat or /yell to recruit would be a much better choice in my opinion. Now that said I don't report people for using Orders chat unless they become offensive / abusive to other outfits or players. Personally I wouldn't join the outfit that is recruiting in orders every three minutes and thankfully don't have to as I belong to a small guerilla outfit.

    Nice how the Jaeger NC drama is spilling into the forums, soon I won't want to come here either.
  12. Xero1029

    i see no drama but what you posted i mentioned nothing of NC or JAEGER you brought those topics here all i wanted were the rules as per orders chat. after reading up apparently OTHER servers have similar feelings. drama queens have boring lives