Recommendations and Ideas to Inspire Development

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by toxs, Mar 18, 2015.

  1. toxs

    Primary Objective: Keep veteran members subscribed to Planetside 2. Encourage new players to become members.

    Secondary Objective: Game breaking bugs need to be fixed asap. Shield bug/ invisible players bug will prevent hundreds of players from clicking that add station cash now button.

    Current short comings:
    - Veteran members opt out of membership because only benefit is que skipping.
    - Majority of new players will only play once. Many new players are lost and confused.

    New Player Experience
    - Currently being worked on in the test server J

    Bring the Noobs to the Community
    - Game needs to emphasize joining outfits, working together, finding battle buddies. Possible apprenticeship program for veteran/noobies to use. Current drill SGT. directive is weak.
    - Squads leaders shall check a box to direct new players into their squads.
    - “Trainfits” are secondary outfit that is created in the outfit page. These trainfits are the noobs in training that have access to all squads the main outfit would have access to. This system encourages old players allowing noobs into their outfits/squads
    - Veterans know a primary reason why playing is so much fun on a long term scale is because of the community more specifically the community inside the outfits.
    - A new player interacting with an experienced helpful players will create a memorable and engaging experience to encourage the new players to return.
    - Outfit rivals. Although faction rivalry is intense, outfit rivalry will add some passion to the battle. Example would be AOD vs GOKU. Once the API reads AOD killed x amount of GOKU, an outfit alert is activated. The battle to capture/ defend a base in x amount of time starts.
    - During this battle killing an outfit rival earns double experience. And earns your outfit experience for outfit BR. Outfit caps also earn outfit exp.
    - Outfit can use earned exp to spend on access to certain weapons and certain camos. Example: all outfit members have woodland camo and lancer. Note that these outfit accessed weapons and camo are slots. Like loadouts. So an outfit can have one free infantry weapon, vehicle weapon and camo active at one time.
    - Outfit exp can unlock armor helmets and vehicle trims.
    - Outfit leaderboards

    Its not pay to win, its free to lose.
    - Poverty maxes, stock aircraft and stock tanks in the hands of new players are extremely useless.
    - It is very discouraging to move away from the infantry game into vehicle gameplay because stock vehicles and MAXes are far too inferior against a veterans load out.
    - A change needs to be made to the stock vehicles and MAXes. This change needs to give the new pilot a fighting chance, not a quick loss.
    - Scoreboard should not be based on experience. It should be based on Captures+Defense+Kills or something more legitimate than exp boost and memberships

    Intercontinental Lattice
    - Awesome idea. Would make the game really cool. The reality is this system will not work because of populations. Some server have only 1 continent open for most of the day. Others only have two open. It is only during primetime on some servers that all four continents are unlocked. This is not often.
    - Standstills could cause the battle to remain in one area for days.
    - Potential for one faction to become ignored more severe than what we see on live.
    - That said Warpgates need a name change. Warping will no longer happen as intended.
    - Elimination of intercontinental lattice will allow the introduction of more continents and content with a smoother flow.

    Resource/Nanite System, Redeployside, and Lattice
    - The warpgates now known as Nanite Generator Plants will supply all latticed connected bases with power to terminals and turrets. Bases with no lattice connection to their Nanite Generator Plant (warpgate) will have no powered terminals or turrets. Players will be able to spawn.
    - Resources will no longer be gained by time. They will be earned.
    - Resources can be earned by eliminating enemy vehicles and players.
    - Medics and Engineers can also earn resources by repairing/heal.
    - HA/LA/INFIL will cost resources to use. As assault classes they will cost very little resources. Only spawnable at large bases. They can be spawned at any base for resource cost.
    - MAXes will still cost many resourcess. Only spawnable at large bases.
    - Medics and engineers can be spawned at any base. No resource cost.
    - Flash, sunderer, harasser, valkyrie may be spawned at any base.
    - MBT, ESF, LIB, Lightning may only be spawned at large bases.
    - Towers are no longer a “pull everything” base.
    - HEX has returned. Any Base that borders an empires territory is capable of being captured except NGP(warpgates). Lattice only effects the flow of energy (terminals and turrets) now, no longer does it dictate the ability to capture bases.
    - For a dedicated class or vehicle player, a base line/stock version of any class or vehicle may be pulled from the NGP(warpgate) for extremely little cost. These classes and vehicles are viable but not the desired fully certed loadouts.

    Hybrid/Stolen Tech
    - Now you have captured the enemies’ base. You have earned “stolen tech.”
    - The stolen tech is resources you may use to build hybrid weapons. These hybrid weapons are the enemy’s weapons with your factions color and sounds.
    - Every time a base is captured you will earn more stolen tech resources to save up so you can build a stolen tech weapon.
    - Stolen tech weapons can be built but will have a time expiration. Because it is hybrid and dangerous.
    - Most enemy weapons are obtainable. This goes for most vehicle weapons and MAX weapons.
    - Stolen tech cannot be used to build enemy vehicles or MAXes.
    - There will be directives for stolen tech
    - Stolen tech is earned slowly. But faster for members.

    - Cert roulette is an embarrassing design
    - Individual Implants will be purchasable by a large amount of certs. Cheaper for members
    - Higher the tier the higher the cost
    - Tier 1 can be purchased with SC

    Prestige and Renegade/Black Ops ( Halo/COD/Titanfall)
    - No
    - Too simple and lazy. May be good for serious population imbalance.
    - Access to High BR cosmetics is good.

    DO IT NOW !

    Summary: Why would anyone want to pay if these changes are implemented?
    - Getting new players into the correct atmosphere will incline them to upgrade for access to more
    - New players can now learn the game without one hand tied behind their back.
    - The end of redeployside will ensure more competitive battles and less force multipliers for defenders. Making troop transport and logistics a serious part of the game.
    - New resource/lattice HEX brings back the dynamic many planetside vets crave.
    - Outfit and trainfit enhancements give many players to work for a common goal
    - Nonmembers will learn quickly that membership resources help a lot
    - Stolen/hybrid tech creates a whole new grind for veterans. It adds a tremendous amount of content for every character.
    - The content described will not take a year to complete. It will make the game more addictive. It will make a membership worth it.

    *****These ideas and changes are not being dictated to anyone. They have been posted to inspire players and developers to explore alternatives. I guess it is a memoir?
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  2. SinJackal

    I really like the "stolen tech" idea, and the "outfit-wide camo and weapon" idea, as well as having to actually earn your nanites by doing things besides farm with force multipliers.

    Really good post man, lots of good ideas.
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  3. toxs

    I just want PS2 to last a few more years.
  4. MuggieWara

    Wow!Interesting ideas...Im relatively new in the game (7 months) so the no lattice idea seems kind of chaotic to me but i definitely want the redeployside dead.

    One thing i totally agree upon and i cant stress enough is the need to advertise the game.You wouldnt believe how many people in my personal cycle are looking for exactly the kind of game PS2 is and dont even know it exists!
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  5. Mal

    I don't see this game ever being noob friendly. It has a virtually endless, but reasonably steady, learning curve and that's fine.

    That's the appeal, not the drawback.

    Anyone stepping into PS2 and expecting to just succeed doesn't belong here IMHO.
  6. Computiverse

    I actually quite like several of these ideas. A few could use more refining, but they would definitely by fun to have in game.

    Also, bumping this because I think it's a more productive thread than the "x is overpowered" "y needs a nerf" threads.
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  7. toxs

    That is a good point. I enjoyed the challenge myself. Maybe the appeal is too harsh to make it a profitable game? There must be a good balance. I would hate to see PS2 get dumbed down.
  8. stalkish

    Not sure i understand what your saying here.

    An intercont lattice would defo help with populations, as it would direct the empires towards more of a front line, conts would not need to be locked as they would simply have no access and no link to them, this is how it worked in ps1 and it worked well.

    However there are many things missing from ps2 that were core to the lattice in ps1, for example warpgates were only warpgates and had no spawns or buildings at all. Each cont had 4 warpgates not just 3 allowing for flanking tactics if you owned the other linked continent. (they also had cave geowarps which gave additional flank routes and options). Each empire had a sanctuary that linked to 2 home conts, these home conts linked to the 4 benefit conts (lol 10 conts, one can dream...). This meant that the fighting had a linear path and a target or objective other than just a cluster-****, i.e each empire would have to fight off their home conts, capture the benefit conts and then move onto another empires home conts, if they managed to capture the enemy home conts they got access to that enemies vehicle technology, and of course the pride of sanc locking the enemy empire. For example if NC locked TRs home conts they could pull prowlers, marauders, raiders, colossus' and invaders. On rare occasions an empire would indeed capture the entire global map, a kind of win scenario althought it never lasted long as youd then be defending 4 continents against both empires since they could not attack each other.

    There was no 'cont locking', capturing a cont simply turned it your empires colour on the global map and gave your empire the benefit from that cont, eg caping oshur gave auto vehicle repairs at bases, caping ishundar gave vehicle shields etc, the conts could be instantly attacked again by the enemy after caping.

    Currently we have each empire fighting both enemy empires on a single cont, its always a 3 way, with intercont lattice and sanctuaries we could have just 2 way fights on certain conts, and the 2 seperate 'fronts' eg NC v VS & NC v TR would alot of the time be on seperate conts, this of course makes the times a 3 way happens even better. Organised empires would be the ones who can quickly move troops from one front on one cont to another on a seperate cont, the scale of the game would realy be seen at this point.
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  9. toxs

    Wow, i really hope they make a system like this for PS2. It would definitely make the game more interesting.