Reason to stay on NC?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ralathar44, Oct 20, 2013.

  1. WaaWaa

    The NC has some good equipment, just slight under par with the VS and TR weapons, but not enough to call them underpowered. The players that play NC, on the other hand, really need work. I catch them doing the dumbest things in this game, and at times I wonder if NC is the empire dummies choose exclusively. Then I remember AOD and NTMR and remember it's not the truth.
  2. Goretzu

    As well as every other MMO where it has been brought up (including PS2 three seperate times now) and yet has never once been shown to have a scrap of evidence behind it. :) (it always ending up being game balance)
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  3. WaaWaa

    Maybe, couple it with a long grind to 100 if you wanna start from scratch on another character/server and possibly spending more SC to top it off, and there ya go!
  4. ComradeHavoc

    You... you just contradicted yourself.
  5. WaaWaa

    No, I'm acknowledging that there are shortcomings when it comes to NC gear, but the gap is not enough to call them underpowered. I would say they are slightly under-performing.
  6. Ralathar44

    Isn't slightly under-performing the same as underpowered LOL? This is mere semantics trying to find a softer sounding word. I have a response to that BS: carlin soft language&sm=3

    Nuff said.

    You also forget to mention the HUGE discrepancy with the max. It's not slightly underperforming. NC max is competitive in severely short range, anything past that it gets wrecked by the other side max's. As well the anti-vehicle weapons of the other max's are still serviceable vs infantry, whereas NC AV max's are just sad vs infantry, almost completely helpless.

    Perhaps you should try basing your arguments within the realm of fact and logic instead of trying to use word-play and dismissal/denial.
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  7. Zombekas

    We need certs, don't we?
  8. Poorform guys are just the most lovable bunch of scamps. The most derpy of the derp, and then capable of legendary zergs only whispered of in hushed tones. NC is truly all or nothing, either not the slightest bit of coordination or a full blown freedom-minded flood of blue and gold to wash away the evil of the world. I see the most hijinks on NC, TR is FAR too serious to really do anything fun and Vanu is too busy being the goddamned swarm to do anything else. But NC, you guys and your bonus checks, you bring a smile to my face every time your scrap metal armors come over the rise and your blue invulnerable tanks shatter my poor swagrider in two. You're loud, and proud, but unfortunately the brightest stars burn out the fastest and usually after a brief unstoppable force of a push you all go your own ways and let the rest of the world take back everything you worked so hard for.

    But you never give up do you. Shotguns raised and burger king toys fastened to your sunderer grills, you keep on fighting, and for that I say Go....go you wonderful dangerous special bus faction, we would truly be lost without you.
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  9. Devrailis

    That brought a tear to my eye.

    I'd raise a glass to you, but it's welded to a triple-barreled shotgun.
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  10. Alarox

    This man speaks the truth. I am moved.
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  11. Hasteras

    Underpowered implies it affects in-game outcomes dramatically. No matter how much forumside NC try to claim otherwise, the stats just don't back that up.

    Why don't you just go join the VS already?
  12. Ralathar44

    1. That's your personal armchair definition of underpowered.

    Furthermore underpowered/overpowered isn't even strictly flatline performance based. For example something can have the exact same potential power level as something else and be underpowered by virtue of requiring far more effort/skill to achieve the same result or being useful in less situations comparatively.

    NC weapons are currently less versatile and unlike the other sides the have no faction advantage anymore. They are also known to be less good in the "stock versions" generally even if they may (may) be competitive fully upgraded by someone skilled in it's use. These are things highly agreed upon across the board with the counter-argument usually being that you CAN achieve the same amount of effectiveness with some of them, albeit with more difficulty.

    2. When you need to play semantics it's a sign that you do not have a strong position. You could very well argue the meaning of "to be". It's been done. People have argued worse than that and split finers hairs than that. It doesn't however mean their position has any credibility. Rather it means they are out of solid arguments that support themselves without the need to try and play verbal politics.

    3. I'm pretty much going to be all VS from here on out unless at least the max balance is fixed. That is the biggest injustice against the NC atm. The equipment imbalance is still noticeable, but it's less impactful.
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  13. Jack_Frost

    Nope there's no reason until SOE reworks most of NC's equipment. I started playing my VS mainly and got to say, I love the ez mode weapons. Just point and hold down your mouse 1 until target is dead. No need to fire in bursts, just spam the whole clip. No recoil, no bullet drop, super fast RoF. I suggest you do the same and see how much easier VS -really- is :)
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  14. Goretzu

    Stubboness, and I think the others get a bit overconfident at times.

    I think that's broadly right, there's a few things where the differences are perhaps a bit more than just slightly under-performing (Enforcer modified, several Carbines and MAXs), but boardly that is the issue, unfortunately it happens across a wide range of things (which is what I think explains the WDS scores).
  15. HadesR

    I think that pretty much sums it up ..

    Stick it out through good times and bad rather than jump ship to the FoTm ..
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  16. piottras

    Well, after recent explanations in the podcasts, it looks like it won't. Dev's look too much at weapon stats but not at how they are handled.
  17. Shadowyc

    Want Ez-r mode? Run TR. :p
  18. WaaWaa

    Underpowered means that they don't kill as much as their analogs, and that is not the case. You can get just as many kills as the TR/VS weapons, just that head to head, they might win by a few ticks of health. And that is what we're trying to argue for is balance, not nerfing or buffing.

    Also, the AV weapons on MAX's will have their damaged reduced vs. infantry on the Play Test Server, so that's an indirect nerf to the VS/TR's holy reign of terror with their Cosmos and Fractures, and an indirect buff to Ravens. Thus, it's really not an issue once that change goes live.

    I've played NC since release. Using the word underpowered implies that our gear is weak, which it is not. That's a perception problem. I, and many others in my outfit and empire/server, have readjusted the way we use our weapons to maximize their killing potential, which they do have. Anchor is a really good close quarter LMG for the NC.

    The Phoenix, on the other hand, thumbs down. Gimme a Planetside 1 Phoenix! Then we're back in business. This shame of an AV weapon hardly touches PS1's Phoenix. It got nerfed to uselessness.
  19. Spude

    Buy vanguard with AP / Enforcer / Shield
    --> you win every other armored vehicle in the game easily
    --> after there is no more enemy armor on the battlefield you flank enemy sunderers from afar and snipe them with enforcer/ap
    Enemy attack stopped miraculously

    Thats how you play as NC.

    And if your VG is on CD/no resource, just sit in spawn and shoot phoenixes into enemy sundys / maxes.
  20. Goretzu

    I still think the Fracture is going to be the AI AV weapon, just it may well be the only one left worth using in that role.