Reaper DMR

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Oleker2, May 22, 2013.

  1. Oleker2

    I was looking on the weapons stats and got interested on this one. Is the hardest hitting AR on the game but, how is it on the practice?
    Worth using? VR training is not a "practical" situation since no target moves.
  2. Slaidd

    With Reaper, I have comp/adv. grip and HVA, I've found in actual use outside of VR, that although it does hit hard, the incredibly slow RoF and very small magazine size, negates a lot of the benefit of the high damage per round.

    I've found that I'm more effective on my NC Medic using a Cyclone with comp, extended mag and soft point ammo. It just works better for me. And I went with the Cyclone simply because I just didn't like the other AR options for NC.
  3. TeknoBug

    I absolutely love using the DMR, I use it on both my NC toons but it's a bit underwhelming at close range however still doable if you can aim well.
  4. Word Of Madness

    I don't own the Reaper DMR, but have used the very similar AC-X11, and it's main drawback is the small magazine. If you can work around that it's a great gun.
  5. KodiacVX

    I always use the Reaper and I love it, I find once you get used to compensating for the recoil and using the appropriate attachments it can be a wrecking machine. It may fire slow but if you land most of those shots on target then it's usually going down (or it ends up so injured that it's soon dead!).

    It's definitely worth a try, I think it's one of those guns you'll either develop a real feel for or just won't :)
  6. phreec

    It's a terrible gun, don't bother with it.

    You'd think it's like the Gauss SAW based on the damage alone but the 20rd magazine, higher horizontal recoil and terrible bullet velocity make it inferior at all ranges. It's a downgrade from the default Gauss Rifle for both CQC and long-range, even with all appropriate attachments. A unique but terrible gun without a niche or purpose that the default rifle doesn't do better...

    Reaper DMR vs. Gauss SAW
  7. kennonfodder

    A really nice secondary weapon (default Gauss, Gauss S or NS as primary?), situational in any case, with nightvision optics and some experience a killer at medium-long range. cant recommend HVA, makes it uncontrollable, but compensator is a must

    Not for inside scenarios, rate of fire too slow, cone of fire bigger than siberia, if you got some bucks left, get NS commissioner with laser sight and you got a quite good loadout ;)

    PS: the one sided vertical recoil makes the gun very easy to control after you played some hours with it, but new players have a tough time with it at first
  8. KodiacVX

    Personally I say give it a whirl a the VR range, you may hate it or you may be manly enough to handle the beast like me! ;)
    Seriously though, if you're good at compensating for recoil, it's good!
  9. Epic High Five

    I love mine but it's just a "let's do something different" sort of gun. As an NC medic you really don't need anything but a Gauss rifle with iron sights and a laser.

    Though I'm fond of the Gauss Rifle S for the much lower first shot multiplier.
    • Up x 1
  10. Psykmoe

    The gun is good fun, just have another one that is a bit less clunky in close quarters. As High Five said, the Gauss Rifle and Gauss Rifle S are both excellent and versatile.

    At mid range I enjoy the Reaper's power and decently fast reload, and I enjoy the nostalgia because it is so similar to the BAR in Day of Defeat when it came out in 2000 ;) First shot accuracy, power, 20 rounds to the mag, very similar to that gun.
  11. Littleman

    This. It's fun, it looks like an actual Gauss rifle ala PS1, but it's kind of situational. Satisfying, but situational. A Gauss rifle + laser pointer is beast all around.
  12. TeknoBug

    Ah yeah DoD, I spent many hours playing that game and it was in beta stage since early 1998 which I was a part of. The BAR was a cool gun.
  13. Judgeratt

    I love my Reaper, though I switch to my Blitz in CQC. One thing I particularly like about the Reaper is that if I see a Light Assault or Infiltrator shooting at us from waaay over there, I stand a far better chance of killing them or driving them off with this weapon than I do with others. To be entirely fair, though, I purchased the Reaper because I thought it could use an underbarrel attachment (I was new and experimenting in VR), and if I were to start over, I would've gotten the Gauss S. Oh, and while the low ammo count sucks, I normally get two or three kills out of a magazine, which is the same as all the other ARs.

    Comparing it to the Gauss SAW doesn't make much sense to me, since that's an LMG and this is an AR. If a class could use both, it would be a fair comparison, but the guns to compare the Reaper to are the default Gauss, the Gauss S, the Carnage, and the NS AR.

    I'm comparing these to a Reaper with a matched sight, compensator, and advanced forward grip.

    Default Gauss, 2x/grip - I'd rather use this in CQC than the Reaper, but after 20 meters or so I prefer the Reaper's recoil. If the default weapon had access to an advanced forward grip or a compensator, it could very well be better.

    Gauss S, 2x/comp - I find this superior to the default rifle even without a rail attachment. Compared to the Reaper, I prefer the Gauss S up to about 60 meters or so, and then find the Reaper more effective for me personally. My long-term plans include a Gauss S with a 2x sight and a Reaper with a 4x scope for longer-ranged stuff.

    Carnage, 3.4/comp/advgrip - if this gun could equip a 2x sight it would be an absolute terror. As it is, it's definitely superior to the Reaper in close range, but at the ranges that call for a 3.4 scope or greater, its high rate of fire makes its recoil hard for me to manage. Also, I really don't like how the gun looks.

    NS-11A, 2x/comp/grip - this is a good gun, though the first-shot kick seems a bit much. It's delightfully flexible and definitely better than the Reaper for close ranges, but so is every other AR. Between 20 and oh, 50-ish meters I think the two guns are fairly matched and it comes down to personal preference, but beyond 50 meters the Reaper wins out in my eyes. The downside of the NS-11A to me is that it pulls to the left, whereas the vast majority of weapons pull to the right, and having one gun with a drastically different recoil profile seems like a bad idea.
  14. Bill Hicks

    This is the only gun for any medic of any faction that can kill a heavy head to head.
  15. Epicstrat

    I don't fare well in cqc and as a resul I always prefer long range weapons that can take out my enemies before they can get close enought to kill me. For medic, this is my go to weapon. Ac-x11 for light assult and engineer, gauss saw for heavy and infiltrator should be obvious.

    That being said, these guns need some TLC to truly shine. Grip, compensator, high velocity ammo, and a high zoom sight (I like 3.4x) will do you a lot of good. It takes a bit of time to learn the recoil but that's true with any gun. Remember to burst fire for optimal accuracy. Make sure you have a pistol you are comfortable in case you run into tight combat. Knife can work wonders in desperation too. Most important thing is to keep your distance because you have more damage and accuracy that most of your enemies. Use bursts of fire and grenades to keep them pinned down so they don't get near you. When the step into the open, light them up and you will be fine.
  16. TeknoBug

    With today's sale I retired the Reaper DMR and picked up the Gauss S, it's serving decently at both close and long range so far.
  17. Electronaught

    I use the DRM for long range ghetto sniping or for hunkering down in a stationary group defending at medium-long range. It's a gun that takes a lot of practice and after playing with it for about 40 hours I can say that it may actually have made me a better player. If it could hold any more ammo or shoot faster I think it would become unbalanced.

    Basically, I haven't found a better medium-long range gun that's as effective. There a lot of ridges and areas that attackers like to peek out of and it just so happens that they are often at the perfect distance for headshots with a 3.4x scope. I've gotten pretty good at taking out weaker infiltrators (ones that have a harder time one-shotting a medic) because I can heal myself and fire multiple times at their head while they have to reload and re-aim. That's probably where most of my kills come from because besides infiltrators I don't think a lot of people are walking around with a long range gun.