Reaper DMR or Gauss S ???

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Adam Chattaway, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. Adam Chattaway

    So im looking to buy a new gun and i do prefer taking long distance shots, but ive seen how good cq weapons are with the GR-22 i got in alpha pack, i know the dmr has more dmg but only 20/100 rounds but it has less accuracy? than the gauss S and the S can spec for long or close range combat with a 6x scope and even underbarrel launchers, which is best? im tempted for the long range dmg of the dmr but put off why it has lower acc than the S and the underbarrel and 2 specs of the S are tempting... so which is best?

    Also can you reload smoke launcher from ammo packs or only resupply at a point?
  2. VKhaun

    The GR-22 medic gun is definitely your buddy for close up. Good call.

    For long range you want a shotgun with slug ammo. You'll notice shotguns have a 100% full accuracy bar. That's not an error. Slug ammo turns them into battle rifles with ABSURD accuracy and range. Don't waste money or certs on the 8 round shotgun, get the 6 round automatic that you prefer (reload time, or fire rate) and press 'B' to flip it to semi-automatic if you don't want full auto. Extended mags are available and 10 rounds is plenty for shot or slug. You don't need to give up full auto mode for two extra rounds.

    If you don't like shotguns, get something with high velocity ammo.
  3. Adam Chattaway

  4. Dornez

    Gaus S hands down, only gun that will take the UB grenades. Reaper DMR was garbage last time I tried it. If you want acuracy and speed use the GR-22 like VKhaun said, but you miss out on grenades.
  5. irishroy

    and you are not allowed to miss the nades,boy!
  6. Adam Chattaway

    So the under barrel nades are really worth it? how do they reload i heard they are 1 time use only and have tyo resupply them like grenades so an engineer cant do it for you.
  7. ADY

    I use the Gauss S with the Under barrel grenades. Excellent weapon and I generally have no problems putting down most people.

    You get 2 shots and they do actually reload of engineers ammo kits. There is a known bug with them not getting ammo sometimes from those kits.

    I like the Grenade Launcher so much I got it for the Engineer gun as well.
  8. Darkian

    NS-11 > All NC Medic guns, this gun is a beast with compensator + foregrip.
    • Up x 1
  9. ADY

    It really depends on how you play TBH. I read on this class forum so much about how players think the medic class is just there to run behind everyone else and res/heal. Why? I play up front with the big boys and more often than not win against all classes except MAX (run and hide!). Nothing like 1 v 1 with a HA and putting them down.

    The medic class can easily be played offensively, especially when the grenade launcher is a 1 hit kill to most classes except HA and MAX.
  10. XCrosser

    I personally have been using the DMR a lot lately. I have a Compensator with a Laser on the rails and basic iron sights for it that I run near constant. In CQB it's a bit tough at first to get used to it but you can drop most of your targets in 4-5 shots and I'm able to consistently go 2 sometimes 3 on 1 and win with just the rifle when clearing a room. I was using the Adv Foregrip awhile back but it didn't have any effect. The initial recoil is too much and too constant be of any real use as a DMR (Designated Marksman Rifle) which makes no sense as it's accuracy is the worst with such high recoil and I find it's best when used at medium range burst fire aiming at the targets stomach. The recoil is enough that you will land 2-3 shots in the abs to center chest and one in the head which ends the engagement.

    Also with this weapon system you can 1v1 a heavy using their shield in CQB. The only people I usually die to are shotguns and MAXes(which is still rare as it can rip their armor to shreds). Engies using a carbine at long range tend to have the advantage though because they have almost no recoil and spit bullets out like they're going out of style.
  11. ADY

    I still use the default sights on my guns and have not got any front grips etc for stability. Sure NC has the worst recoil, but if you know how it goes it is still easy to control. I prefer a challenge over point and click like the other factions.
  12. Peacemaker12

    As a fellow NS-11A user, I agree that it's beastly at mid-ranges, but the gun is pretty bad at CQC because of the low damage and low fire rate. I've died like 80% of the time I've had a shootout with an opponent that's 0-4 meters away from me compared to when I was using the NC's Gauss Rifle.

    I haven't gotten to use the Reaper DMR or GR-22 that much so I can't comment on those.
  13. Hagestol

    I don't have that problem CQC with the NS-11 with soft point. Sure the hydra is better (vs) but the NS has a superior fire rate for killing multiple people.
  14. irishroy

    well, what about gauss S with nadelauncher. i think with the nade CQC should be much easier^^
    and ns11a with comp&forgrip it is awesome:D
  15. SirBurning

    Reaper is pretty useless, to small clip, to much recoil

    Gauss S all the way, I use the default one with nothing but reflex,and it's amazing.
  16. Sebyos

    Lol Reaper really sucks ***. And the data sows 200 dmg instead of 167 for the Gauss, but you got twice the chance to land those bullets on the Gauss S.

    My Setup is Gauss S with compensator, nade launcher and high velo ammos for long range with nades as back up short range.

    And the GR-22 for CQC with soft ammos, foregrip and silencer. It becomes a beast while roaming around in a Bio Lab.
  17. Odessa

    Currently I use the NS-11 Platinum I got with the game stop card. I have soft point ammo, forward grip and a site on it. High ammo capacity 35 in clip 175 in your pocket makes this a great all around whacker. I DO have a Reaper DMR that I have compensator, site and high velocity ammo (<I think HV ammo is broken btw) that I use for long range from time to time. But I do prefer my NS11-Plsatinum though.

    I am planning on getting the Gauss S though once I am done setting up the NS-11 though.
  18. JDCollie=VX9=

    I disagree. the NS-11A is certainly powerful, but the GD-22 will easily out DPS it in CQB, and the Reaper will shred it at longer range. Even the standard Gauss (if similarly kitted out) will put up an excellent fight.

    The 35 round magazine really is nice though, and the recoil is manageable even on full auto. It isn't so much that the NS-11A is better than all the NC Medic guns, it is that it is in the same class as the other NC Medic guns, all of which are awesome.
  19. Incarnadine

    How can you even think the reaper will shred it at any range? The reaper is HORRIBLE.

    The NS is decent cqc, but shines REALLY nicely at medium range, decent long
  20. BadLlama

    The reaper really is an amazing gun the only problem with it is you will lose in a CQC gun fight against anyone using pretty much any gun and that's the game working as intended. The GR-22 is a beast in bio-lab fights and I wouldn't take any of the other guns to a biolab. The UB grenade launcher on the Gauss-S definitely adds some needed power against MAX suits but the gun itself is merely okay. Not bad, but not that good either. NS-11 is for turds that need a handicap to play.